Your-message-sent: Tue, 10 Jul 90 12:16:32 CDT Your-Message-ID: <> MOSIS-Message-ID: imlr-00052756-90071010203100 MOSIS-Reply-Posted-for-Delivery: 10 July 1990 10:29:03 [ ATTENTION ALL MOSIS LIAISONS AND USERS: Effective October 1, 1989 the CIF-CHECKSUM parameter must be provided to MOSIS before designs will be put into the fabrication queue. This change is being made to protect the data integrity of your design files. Please see information TOPIC: CHKSUM for more information.] This excerpt from the MOSIS User Manual should help you to become familiar with the various MOSIS request messages. 13.3.1. Templates The following templates contain MOSIS requests. Notice that some of the parameters are mandatory, while others are optional (preceded by "!"). To use a template, fill in the mandatory parameters and the desired optional parameters - being sure to remove the "!" in front of the optional parameters. Send the completed template to MOSIS in a net message. Each message to MOSIS may contain several REQUESTs, each of which may contain several parameters used as arguments for the REQUESTs. All REQUEST messages containing CIF must terminate with REQUEST: END. In certain requests, specific parameters must be listed last; these are shown at the end of each template. For those parameters that must appear last, any parameter that appears after them will be included as part of that last parameter (i.e., not as you may have intended). Attention Template ------------------------ | | | REQUEST: ATTENTION | | !ID: | | !P-PASSWORD: | | (Put message here) | | REQUEST: END | | | ------------------------ Enter text of the message to be sent to a member of the MOSIS staff. The ID and P-PASSWORD must be included only in project-specific ATTENTION requests, but not in general ATTENTION requests. All text between "REQUEST: ATTENTION" and the next REQUEST: is sent to an electronic mailbox that is monitored by a MOSIS staff member and redistributed to an appropriate staff member for a response. PLEASE NOTE: The MOSIS software will NOT PARSE any text that appears after a REQUEST: END, since it reads this as the end of a message. Therefore, DO NOT append request messages together without removing any REQUEST: ENDs or MOSIS will read only the first request. See the One-Step Submission template on page 104 for an example of a message with multiple requests. Information Template -------------------------- | | | REQUEST: INFORMATION | | TOPIC: | | !BYTE-LIMIT: | | !LINE-LIMIT: | | REQUEST: END | | | -------------------------- TOPIC: TOPICS will supply a list of available MOSIS documents. If your host machine enforces limits on the size of incoming messages, you may specify BYTE-LIMIT and/or LINE-LIMIT. MOSIS interprets these two parameters as limits in the body of the message(s) that MOSIS sends in response to your messages. Any response that is larger than one or the other limit will be sent to you in as many messages as required. These are REQUEST parameters (NOT message header parameters) and must follow REQUEST. MOSIS uses these limits for its own text without taking into account the "message header" lines required for network mail. If your host machine limit includes message header lines, you should specify limits at least 500 bytes and 10 lines smaller than your host-enforced limits. There can be multiple arguments to the TOPIC: parameter, separated by commas, e.g., TOPIC: SCHEDULE, PRICE_SCHED but the line may not wrap. Library Templates -------------------- | | | REQUEST: INFO | | TOPIC: LIBRARY | | !BYTE-LIMIT: | | !LINE-LIMIT: | | REQUEST: END | | | -------------------- See the comment in the Information Template, above, for a description of BYTE-LIMIT and LINE-LIMIT parameters. Use this template to determine the library name and filename you are interested in: is one of the MOSIS libraries and is the name of a file residing in the indicated cell library. ----------------------------- | | | REQUEST: LIBRARY | | LIBRARY: | | FILE:> | | !BYTE-LIMIT: | | !LINE-LIMIT: | | REQUEST: END | | | ----------------------------- Use this template to request specific library files. Note that the parameters FILE: and LIBRARY: are one line parameters (similar to TOPIC:). New-Project Template ------------------------------------------------------ | | | REQUEST: NEW-PROJECT | | D-NAME: | | D-PASSWORD: | | P-NAME: | | P-PASSWORD: | | PHONE: | | MAILING-ADDRESS: | | ACCOUNT: | | DESCRIPTION: | | TECHNOLOGY: | | LAMBDA: | | !NET-ADDRESS: | | !SIZE: | | !SPECIAL-HANDLING: | | !QUANTITY: | | !FOUNDRY: | | !OPTIONS: (SHARE/NOSHARE, SUBSTRATE/NOSUBSTRATE) | | !BOND-SAME-AS: | | !STD-FRAME: | | !PADS: | | !PO: | | !COMMENT: | | !ATTENTION: | | REQUEST: END | | | ------------------------------------------------------ The following parameters MUST be included in the NEW-PROJECT template and need NOT be included in subsequent templates: P-NAME, DESCRIPTION, NET-ADDRESS, PHONE, TECHNOLOGY, LAMBDA, SPECIAL-HANDLING, OPTIONAL, BOND-SAME-AS, STD-FRAME, SIZE, PADS. If your project is NOT a Standard Frame, you must include the SIZE or PADS parameters. The PO parameter is mandatory if your project is a commercial project. MOSIS' new accounting format does not require an affiliation parameter; all new account names begin with digits, e.g., 123. ATTENTION may be either a REQUEST or a parameter of other requests. When you use it as a request, only the text between REQUEST: ATTENTION and the next REQUEST: will be forwarded to the MOSIS staff. When you use ATTENTION as a parameter within a REQUEST message, e.g., with a NEW-PROJECT request, the entire message, including NEW-PROJECT parameters and ending at the next REQUEST will be forwarded to MOSIS personnel. Any inclusion of a command word with a colon, e.g., REQUEST:, will be parsed as a keyword command. If you have a question on message syntax and wish to have a template fragment reviewed by the MOSIS staff, it is important to change the colons to semicolons in the text. If you do not make this change, the MOSIS software reads these as real requests and your message, in its entirety, will not reach the MOSIS staff. See the One-Step Submission template on page 104 for an example of a message with multiple requests. Submit Template --------------------- | | | REQUEST: SUBMIT | | ID: | | P-PASSWORD: | | !CIF-FTP-PATH: | | !CIF-CHECKSUM: | | !COMMENT: | | !ATTENTION: | | !CIF: | | !CIF-FRAGMENT: | | REQUEST: END | | | --------------------- Note that some form of CIF must be present, either CIF or CIF-FRAGMENT. CIF-FTP-PATH and CIF-FRAGMENT may be used together. If either CIF or CIF-FRAGMENT appears, it must be the last parameter in the request. This request submits a CIF file, asking MOSIS to compute the size of the project and count the pads (CHECK_PROJ). It can be issued only after your project has been accepted by MOSIS and you have a valid Project-ID. You will receive an initial acknowledgment from MOSIS and a final Pass or Fail notification. Any CIF file that fails CHECK_PROJ is deleted from the MOSIS database. You should therefore resubmit any revised CIF file in complete form. You may use this request many times for correction and revision of CIF before your project is queued for fabrication. Use the CIF-FTP-PATH option to submit extremely large files or to submit file fragments separately. Fabricate Template ------------------------ | | | REQUEST: FABRICATE | | ID: | | P-PASSWORD: | | !CIF-FTP-PATH: | | !CIF-CHECKSUM: | | !COMMENT: | | !ATTENTION: | | !CIF: | | !CIF-FRAGMENT: | | REQUEST: END | | | ------------------------ If either CIF or CIF-FRAGMENT appears, it must be the last parameter in the request. One-Step (New-Project/Fabricate) Submission Template -------------------------------------------------------- | | | REQUEST: NEW-PROJECT | | D-NAME: | | D-PASSWORD: | | P-NAME: | | P-PASSWORD: | | PHONE: | | MAILING-ADDRESS: | | ACCOUNT: | | DESCRIPTION: | | TECHNOLOGY: | | LAMBDA: | | !NET-ADDRESS: | | !SIZE: | | !SPECIAL-HANDLING: | | !QUANTITY: | | !FOUNDRY: | | !OPTIONS: (SHARE/NOSHARE, SUBSTRATE/NOSUBSTRATE) | | !BOND-SAME-AS: | | !STD-FRAME: | | !PADS: | | !PO: | | !COMMENT: | | !ATTENTION: | | REQUEST: FABRICATE | | ID:* | | P-PASSWORD: | | CIF: | | REQUEST: END | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------- The One-Step Submission, for those who need to expedite project submission, consists of a single message containing the NEW-PROJECT request followed by the FABRICATE request. Notice that a "*" is used for the Project-ID. The "*" is used as the ID for your project ONLY in this One-Step Submission (because MOSIS has not yet assigned a Project-ID). All further requests regarding this project must include the real ID as assigned by MOSIS. N-Step Submission To send your CIF file to MOSIS in fragments, use the NEW-PROJECT, SUBMIT or FABRICATE requests as described below: 1. Send MOSIS a NEW-PROJECT request to receive your Project-ID. 2. Divide your CIF file into N fragments so that each fragment is small enough to be handled in a single message. 3. Send N message fragments to MOSIS using the SUBMIT or the FABRICATE request and the CIF-FRAGMENT parameter described below. Each SUBMIT request should include the same parameters as in the standard procedure except that, instead of the parameter CIF, the parameter CIF-FRAGMENT should be used. The line with this parameter should look like this: "CIF-FRAGMENT: K/N", where N is the total number of fragments in the CIF project file and K is the number of the fragment. The CIF fragment should start on the line following the CIF-FRAGMENT parameter. MOSIS acknowledges the receipt of each fragment. When the full set has been received, MOSIS will append the fragments together and initiate CHECK_PROJ. You may use the DELETE-CIF request at any time to terminate the submission of CIF fragments. This is useful when sudden revisions to a project are necessary. Note that DELETE-CIF will delete ALL CIF for that project. An Important Note on Submitting CIF: Any submission of CIF is terminated either explicitly, by the next request (usually, "REQUEST: END"), or implicitly, when the end of the message is reached. The latter termination typically results in the message trailer (e.g., "------" of SNDMSG, a mailer) being appended to the end of the CIF file. This addition is not harmful after the CIF "E" command, which terminates the CIF file; however, such a trailer may be harmful at the end of CIF-FRAGMENTs, which may be in arbitrary positions in the middle of a CIF file. Therefore, all CIF submissions (especially when using CIF-FRAGMENT) should be explicitly terminated "REQUEST: END". Update Template --------------------- | | | REQUEST: UPDATE | | ID: | | P-PASSWORD: | | !P-NAME: | | !DESCRIPTION: | | !NET-ADDRESS: | | !PHONE: | | !COMMENT: | | !ATTENTION: | | REQUEST: END | | | --------------------- Delete-CIF Template ------------------------- | | | REQUEST: DELETE-CIF | | ID: | | P-PASSWORD: | | !COMMENT: | | !ATTENTION: | | REQUEST: END | | | ------------------------- Cancel-Fabricate Template ------------------------------- | | | REQUEST: CANCEL-FABRICATE | | ID: | | P-PASSWORD: | | !ATTENTION: | | !COMMENT: | | REQUEST: END | | | ------------------------------- Cancel-Project Template ----------------------------- | | | REQUEST: CANCEL-PROJECT | | ID: | | P-PASSWORD: | | !COMMENT: | | !ATTENTION: | | REQUEST: END | | | ----------------------------- Status Template --------------------- | | | REQUEST: STATUS | | ID: | | P-PASSWORD: | | !COMMENT: | | !ATTENTION: | | REQUEST: END | | | --------------------- This will give you status on your run before it reaches the fabrication step. To receive information on your project during fabrication, send an INFORMATION request to MOSIS. See the STATUS topic on page LIST-OF-TOPICS. Report Template --------------------- | | | REQUEST: REPORT | | ID: | | P-PASSWORD: | | FAB-ID: | | !COMMENT: | | !ATTENTION: | | !P-NAME: | | REPORT: | | REQUEST: END | | | --------------------- It is particularly important that all performance and yield data be reported separately for each fabrication of a project. Each report should clearly identify both the Project-ID and the Fab-ID of the project. Reports should specify the chip site location(s) of each project -- this information helps MOSIS to classify fabrication defects. The site location of each chip can be found in the top right-hand corner of the die when it is viewed under a microscrope. Note that the REPORT parameter, which is mandatory, must be last. Functional-Screen Template -------------------------------- | | | REQUEST: FUNCTIONAL-SCREEN | | ID: | | P-PASSWORD: | | !COMMENT: | | !ATTENTION: | | | -------------------------------- See Chapter 11 for more information. 13.3.2. Sample MOSIS Messages This section contains samples of messages to and from MOSIS. New Project Request ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | | To: MOSIS@MOSIS.EDU | | From: Olive@Navy | | Subject: Intent to submit new project | | | | REQUEST: NEW-PROJECT | | D-NAME: Olive | | ACCOUNT: 78Q-675 | | D-PASSWORD: Popeye | MAILING-ADDRESS: Ms. O. Oyl | OP-9876 | | NAS Poseidon | | Massachusetts 02177 | | P-NAME: VFFT | | P-PASSWORD: | | DESCRIPTION: This is a device to compute a Very Fast | | Fourier Transform of sonar data, which is the | | key to the security of underwater rafts. | | It works according to the principles described in... | | TECHNOLOGY: SCP | | LAMBDA: 1.0 | | PADS: 24 | | REQUEST: END | | ---- | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13.3.3. One-Step Submission Request ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | REQUEST: NEW-PROJECT | D-NAME: POOH | | D-PASSWORD: | | PHONE: (123) 333-4444 | | MAILING-Addr: | | ACCOUNT: VLSI | | DESCRIPTION: | | multiplier for 1's compliment | | arithmetics, using 2-bit at a time... | | TECHNOLOGY: | | LAMBDA: 1.0 | | PADS: 39 | | NET-Address: | | US Navy | | Annapolis, MD. 23456 | | P-NAME: MULTIPLY 16x20 | | P-PASSWORD: | | REQUEST: FABRICATE | | ID: * | | P-Password: | | SIZE: 1850 x 3200 | | CIF: | | (LAP281B --- VFFT.CIF); | | l VFFT); | | DS 1 250 10; | | L ND; | | W 20 960,-50 960,100; | | B 60 500 1030,80; | | ...... | | ...... | | E | | REQUEST: END | | --- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13.3.4. New Project Acknowledgment ----------------------------------------- | | | To: Olive@Navy | | From: MOSIS@MOSIS.EDU | | Subject: OK New-Project, 12345 VFFT | | ID: 12345 | | P-Name: VFFT | | Status: New project; no valid CIF. | | --- | | | ----------------------------------------- 13.3.5. Fabrication Announcement ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | To: Olive@Navy | | From: MOSIS@MOSIS.EDU | | Subject: Being fabricated: 12345 VFFT | | | | Status: Being fabricated. | | Fab-ID: M78BAD1 | | | | The Fab-ID indicates on which die of run M78B (Brutus) the project | | is fabricated. | | | | From now on please obtain status and scheduling information | | concerning this run by using the following MOSIS request: | | | | REQUEST: INFORMATION | | TOPIC: M78B.STS | | REQUEST: END | | | | The MOSIS Service | | --- | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.3.6. Project Report to MOSIS --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | To: MOSIS@MOSIS.EDU | | From: Olive@Navy | | Subject: REPORT on 12345 M79HED1 VFFT | | | | REQUEST: REPORT | | ID: 12345 | | P-Name: VFFT | | Fab-ID: M79HED1 | | P-P: Kaziboo | | REPORT: | | We received 25 bonded devices for this | | project. 23 of them were found to be | | fully operational at 25MHz. | | | | Both defective chips have the same problem, | | and both came from site No. 43. | | REQUEST: END | | --- | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.3.7. MOSIS Command Language Parameters Following is an alphabetical list of parameters to be used with MOSIS requests. (See Chapter 4 for a list of MOSIS requests.) Request and parameter names may be abbreviated, as long as no ambiguities result. Available PARAMETERs ACCOUNT <1 line> Identification of the account to be charged for a project. ATTENTION Requests to bring to the attention of the MOSIS staff some special message or project requirement. May be abbreviated as ATTN. Note: ATTENTION may be either a REQUEST or a parameter of other requests. BOND-SAME-AS <1 line> Specifies the need for bonding to duplicate that of an earlier project or Standard Frame. User may supply either the Project-ID or the Fab-ID of the project to be duplicated, or the name of a MOSIS Standard Frame. BYTE-LIMIT Limits the number of bytes in the body of message(s) that MOSIS sends back to users who request information or library file(s). CIF The project design file. Note: The keyword "CIF:" has no arguments but is followed on the next and subsequent lines by the project design itself. Note also that the CIF design must be the last item in the request. Lines that follow the CIF, but which do not begin with "REQUEST:", will be considered part of the CIF (e.g., within the SUBMIT request, if "ATTENTION: " is placed following the CIF text, it will be considered part of the CIF, so that the request will not be manually processed). It is strongly recommended that the CIF be explicitly terminated with another request (e.g., REQUEST: END) rather than implicitly, by the end of the message. CIF-CHECKSUM Pair of numbers computed for a CIF file or fragment to help determine the integrity of the received file or fragment. CIF-FRAGMENT Fragment of a CIF file for a project. CIF-FTP-PATH List of parameters needed to FTP a CIF file to MOSIS. Alternative to the CIF parameter. COMMENT Text totally ignored by MOSIS, to be used by the designer for any purpose. DESCRIPTION Specific description of the project. D-NAME <1 line> Name of the MOSIS user submitting the project. D-PASSWORD <1 line> Password given to this user (D-NAME) to authenticate new project requests sent to MOSIS. FILE <1 line> Used in REQUEST:LIBRARY template to get MOSIS library files. FOUNDRY <1 line> Name of foundry(ies) acceptable to designer for fabrication. It is not necessary to use this parameter when specifying a foundry-specific technology since a foundry is already implied, however, you may use this with all other generic design technologies. ID Unique identification of the project -- assigned by MOSIS. LAMBDA Value of lambda (in microns) that applies to this project. Lambda is one-half the minimum feature size and MUST be provided for all scalable technologies, even if your design system does not use lambda internally. LIBRARY <1 line> REQUEST: LIBRARY is followed on the next two lines by LIBRARY: and FILE: to obtain library files. LINE-LIMIT Limits the number of lines in the body of message(s) that MOSIS sends back to users who request information or library file(s). MAILING ADDRESS Address for MOSIS to send packaged parts and correspondence. The address should be in exact form for a shipping label and MUST include the actual designer's name and street address of the organization (including mail-stop, etc.). Do not use PO box numbers -- couriers will not accept them. Warning: Do not include ATTN: or ATTENTION: at the beginning of a line in the MAILING-ADDRESS, or MOSIS will interpret it as an ATTENTION parameter. NET-ADDRESS @ {,@} <1 line> Note: MOSIS will send all replies to requests only to above net address(es). It is very important that net address(es) be kept current throughout the lifetime of the project. OPTIONS <1 line> Yes/No inputs to the OPTIONS parameter can be either SHARE and/or SUBSTRATE. SHARE requests that you share the standard quantity and cost of a chip with others from your organization (up to three others, if available). This option is for the small chip only. The default, NOSHARE, means that you are the sole owner of the chip and will receive the standard quantity of parts. SUBSTRATE requests that your package bonding include a substrate connection on the standard pin for that package. PADS Number of pads to be bonded for the project. If this parameter is left unspecified, all boxes on the glass layer will be bonded. A pads value of 0 will produce an unbonded, unpackaged chip. Note: This parameter should not be supplied for a Standard Frame project. PHONE <1 line> Telephone number(s) where user(s) can be reached. P-NAME <1 line> Short name for the project, e.g., ADDER or SHIFTER. P-PASSWORD <1 line> Arbitrary password assigned to the project by the user in the NEW-PROJECT request. QUANTITY <1 line> To order more than the standard quantity of parts (see the MOSIS Price List). REPORT User report to MOSIS on the performance of a fabricated project. SHARE <1 line> Yes/No parameter for the OPTIONS request. These should be on one line with the SUBSTRATE/NOSUBSTRATE parameter (if applicable), separated by commas. This requests that you share the standard quantity and the cost of a chip with others from your organization (up to three others, if available). This parameter is for the small chip size only. The default, NOSHARE, means that you are the sole owner of the chip and will receive the standard quantity of parts. SUBSTRATE <1 line> Yes/No parameter for OPTIONS request, to be combined on one line with the SHARE/NOSHARE parameter (if applicable). This parameter requests that your package bonding include a substrate connection on the standard pin for that package. SIZE x Size of the project in microns. This parameter is required before CHECK_PROJ for Nonstandard Frame projects only. SPECIAL-HANDLING Specifies special size, bonding, and shipping requests. STD-FRAME <1 line> Name of a standard pad frame, i.e., one of several bonding pad placements for which MOSIS is able to offer automatic wire-bonding. TECHNOLOGY <1 line> Project technology (one of the known MOSIS fabrication technologies). TOPIC <1 line> Name of the information topic desired. Note: Requesting TOPIC: TOPICS will retrieve a list of all available information topics.