[a] The name, address, and phone number for your organization Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Kansas Lawrence, Ks 66045-2228 (913) 864-4620 [b] What version of the cell family are you using? dlmV2.2a [c] Indicate the number of designs that have been fabricated using these cells. 4 [d] What CAD tools are being used to assemble your standard cell designs? Octtools and Lager [e] If we were to port the SCMOS cells to other CAD tools which ones would you prefer? Mentor Graphics [f] Are you using "hard" and "soft" macros? soft [g] Are you interested in specialized analog cells? If so please identify the cell functions and the performance requirements. not currently [h] What changes would you like to see in future releases of the library? models for a variety of simulators more aggresive synchronous elements using single phase clocking addition of some common MSI-level functions MOSIS I/O pads as a standard part of the distribution distribution in more formats (Oct, CIF, etc.) Joseph B. Evans Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Telecommunications & Information Sciences Laboratory University of Kansas | Internet: evans@tisl.ukans.edu Lawrence, KS 66045-2228 | evans@ece.ukans.edu (913) 864-4830 | Bitnet: evans@ukanvax.bitnet