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Les Sylphes.

G. Bachmann.

Winging thro’ space and air,

Flitting now here now there,

Sprites are we so sportive and free.

Hov’ring over flowers fair,

Breathing their perfume rare,

Joyous ever are we.

Tripping o’er meadows,

Skim we on our way,

And thro’ the shadows we frolic and play.

Winging thro’ space and air,

Flitting now here and there,

Sprites are we so sportive and free.

Hov’ring over flowers fair,

Breathing their perfume rare,

Joyous ever are we.

Soft and low, as we go

Over the earth we blessing shower,

Over all do they fall,

All may feel our kindly pow’r.

In and out we glide about,

Bringing cheer to ev’ry heart

And our song that floats along,

Bids ev’ry ill depart.

In the music of the spheres,

’T will be heard by sentient ears.

Ev’rywhere dispel we care,

Though it come with joy or strife,

Borne above on wings of love,

We are near immortal life.

Winging thro’ space and air,

Flitting now here now there,

Sprites are we so sportive and free.

Hov’ring over flowers fair,

Breathing their perfume rare,

Joyous ever are we.

Bachmann, G. “Les Sylphes.” Bahn Frei! 34, no. 26 (November 30, 1916): 2.

Bachmann, G. “Les Sylphes.” Bahn Frei! 34, no. 26 (November 30, 1916): 2.

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Les Sylphes

A sylph belongs to a race of beings or spirits thought to inhabit the air.

Knowles, Elizabeth. “sylph.” In The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Oxford University Press, 2005. Oxford Reference. https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780198609810.001.0001/acref-9780198609810-e-6911.