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A WEEK WITH VON KLUCK; Or How They Brought the Good News from the Aisne to Hand.

By Siegfried Jacobsohn.


Von Kluck’s army is annihilated!!!

The victory cannot be overrated.

It was a terrible, deadly strife;

Not a single German escaped with his life,

In one word, as already stated,

Von Kluck and his men are annihilated.


The victory we won was glorious!

On the whole line we were victorious.

The enemy’s General Von Kluck

Had to give in to British pluck!

Therefore to us his sword he tendered

And he and all his men surrendered.


The final decision of this campaign

Was yesterday reached on the River Aisne;

A movement on the British right

Put the left wing of the foe to flight.

The Germans are beaten, pursued and hounded,

Von Kluck’s army is now surrounded.


The British Embassy indorses

The following news:   The Allied forces

Have beaten the brutal invaders back,

Pursuing the fleeing in their track.

The beaten foe—Von Kluck in the lead—

Are running away with the greatest speed.


We hold a fortified position,

And now expect the final decision.

Von Kluck’s onslaughts on the Allies

Have cost the Germans an awful price.

But our defence is still unshaken,

Our fortified hills cannot be taken.


The army of General Von Kluck won a decisive victory

on the Aisne over the combined French and English

forces.   About forty thousand prisoners and five hundred guns fell into our hands.

The enemy is in full retreat and pursued by our cavalry.

Von Stein. General Quartermaster.

Jacobsohn, Siegfried. “A Week with von Kluck; Or How They Brought the Good News from the Aisne to Hand.” The Fatherland 1, no. 12 (October 28, 1914): 5.

Jacobsohn, Siegfried. “A Week with von Kluck; Or How They Brought the Good News from the Aisne to Hand.” The Fatherland 1, no. 12 (October 28, 1914): 5.


Von Kluck’s army

General Alexander von Kluck (1846–1934) commanded the German First Army, which, with the German Second Army, advanced through Belgium and France at the start of the war. The First Battle of the Aisne (September 12–15, 1914) followed the German defeat at the Battle of the Marne (September 7–10). French and British troops had threatened to exploit a gap in the German line and separate the German First Army from other German forces. When all German armies were ordered to retreat from the Marne, they made a stand on the Aisne. On September 13, the British Expeditionary Force attempted to cross the Aisne but could not break the superior German position overlooking the river. The fighting settled into trench warfare.

Holmes, Richard. “Aisne, battle of the.” In The Oxford Companion to Military History. Oxford University Press, 2001. https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780198606963.001.0001/acref-9780198606963-e-27.

Krause, Jonathan. “Western Front.” In 1914–1918–online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, edited by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson. Freie Universität Berlin, 2014–. Article published November 11, 2015. https://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net/article/western_front.


Von Stein

Hermann von Stein (1854–1927), a Prussian officer, served as General of the Artillery and Minister of War.

Pöhlmann, Markus. “Stein, Hermann von.” In Neue Deutsche Biographie 25 (2013). https://www.deutsche-biographie.de/sfz126040.html#ndbcontent_zitierweise.



The poem presents reports from different European capitals, including those of two Entente Powers, France and England. The King of Denmark, Christian X (1870–1947) had declared his country’s intent to remain neutral on August 1, 1914. Italy would not join the Allies until May 1915.


Sayville, L. I.

Sayville, a hamlet on the South Shore of Long Island.

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