NEGROES from Niger and Senegal,
Turcos and spahis galore,
Annamite riflemen, Tonkingese troops—
And this is a white man’s war!
Rajputs, Baluchi, and Sikh and Gond,
Kyberi, Burmese, and raw
Levies Malaysian, West African blacks—
And this is a white man’s war!
Tartar and Cossack and Turcoman,
Kalmuck and Kerghis and more,
Usbeg and Yakut and Karakalpac—
And this is a white man’s war!
Three against one, are the odds so small,
That ye must needs, to score
Call in the yellow, the black and the brown
And this is a white man’s war!
Frederick H. Martens.