Deutschland, Deutschland, First of Nations,
Over All in this wide world,
For Defence and for Protection
German Standards now unfurl;
From the Meuse unto the Memel,
From the Etsch unto the Slope:—
Deutschland, Deutschland, First of Nations,
First of All on this wide Globe!
German Faith and German Honor,
German Wine and German Song
Must retain through all these ages
Shining lustre, bright and strong,
Noble actions let inspire
All our lives, both brave and long.
German Faith and German Honor,
German Wine and German Song!
Unity and Right and Freedom
Guides my German Fatherland!
For these Ideals strive forever,
Comrades true with heart and hand!
Unity and Right and Freedom
Are its welfare’s fundament,
Blossom thou in might and glory
Flourish German Fatherland.
English version. Copyright, 1914, by P. C. Kullman. Copies of the above in Sheet Music form will be mailed, postpaid, on receipt of 10 cents per copy. Over 100,000 sold.
68 Wall Street New York, N. Y.