We stand and wait. Not one of all the leaves
In the fair laurel garland that God weaves
For our brave brothers in the Fatherland
Can reach our brows. Ah, it is hard to stand
Idly, and watch in soft security
While others battle for humanity,
Against the darkness of the ancient East
Sending once more the Mongol and the Hun
With bloody hands to make their savage feast
Upon the land that ever bore the light
Triumphantly through storms of blackest night
To be the Spirit՚s guide and beacon sign.
We stand and wait. Yet they do also serve
Who wait as duty bids. Thus was the lay
Of one who dared not by one foot-step swerve
From the rough trail of right in that far day
When England boasted of a nobler breed,
Before she pawned her soul to sate her greed
And made her bargain with fell Tamerlane!