THEY have signed the treaty, they’re firmly bound,”
Thus whispered the Briton and the wily Gaul
In the ear of the volatile Walloon,
“And much is easily gained for us all:
“Remember the in your own walls
“He dares to ask for an equal right!
“He scorns the tongue of beautiful France
“And harsh on your ears his jargon falls.
“Come, join our league! In our secret plans
“We are weaving a net for the German fool.
“His honest dullness will make that scrap
“Of parchment scribbled our sharpest tool.
“Then you may laugh at the Flemish boor;
“Then throughout Belgium, rich and fair,
“Will ring French words and songs alone,
“And Flemish Antwerpen be French Anvers!”
Thus softly they spoks to the weak Walloon,
He forgot his faith and his plighted word.
To the French he opened his fortress gate
To strike, when the war bell should be heard.
Woe, woe, the Walloon! The lightning spark
Struck quick and hard ere Treason was done
Preparing the scheme and weaving the net
For Justice is swift, and Right has won!
What boots his bravery, serving the Wrong!
Now Mankind will forget not soon
The vengeance coming in fire and blood,
To the treacherous wile of the weak Walloon!