Online Electronic Catalog of Jeff Vitter

Jeffrey S. Vitter

This index provides access to an online publication library of several of my more recent papers -- as well as a few oldies but goodies. In a few cases, I also include the overhead transparencies for talks. Most of the papers and talks deal with the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures. They are grouped, roughly in chronological order, according to the specific topic areas listed below. The first section lists some general surveys and longer manuscripts, such as my 2008 book on Algorithms and Data Structures for External Memory and my earlier book Efficient Algorithms for MPEG Video Compression,, as well as my primer on how to write.

Click on a topic area and you will then see a listing of papers in that topic area. If you click on the title of a paper, the Adobe pdf format version of the paper will open.

Some papers are listed in more than one topic area. For example, papers on I/O-efficient algorithms for geometric problems are listed in both the External Memory Algorithms section and the Computational Geometry section. And my newer work on entropy-compressed data structures may be listed in both the Database section and the Data Compression section.

You can also access a pdf listing of the entire publication library.

I encourage you to copy and distribute any of these papers for any noncommercial use, at no charge to anyone. However, if any money (beyond the actual cost of reproduction) is going to change hands, you need my written permission first.

My full curriculum vitæ, which lists all my publications, is available online. Many publications in my CV are not included below, but are available in hardcopy by email request to me at jsv @ If you find any errors or have any problems retrieving any items, please let me know by email.
