A good introduction on external memory algorithms and data structures is my book on the subject.
We provide tight upper and lower bounds, up to a constant factor, for the number of inputs and outputs (I/Os) between internal memory and secondary storage required for five sorting-related problems: sorting, the fast Fourier transform (FFT), permutation networks, permuting, and matrix transposition. The bounds hold both in the worst case and in the average case, and in several situations the constant factors match.
Secondary storage is modeled as a magnetic disk capable of transferring
blocks each containing
records in a single time unit; the
records in each block must be input from or output to
locations on the disk. We give two optimal algorithms for the problems,
which are variants of merge sorting and distribution sorting. In
particular we show for
that the standard merge sorting algorithm
is an optimal external sorting method, up to a constant factor in the
number of I/Os. Our sorting algorithms use the same number of I/Os as
does the permutation phase of key sorting, except when the internal
memory size is extremely small, thus affirming the popular adage that
key sorting is not faster. We also give a simpler and more direct
derivation of Hong and Kung's lower bound for the FFT for the special
In this paper we introduce input/output (I/O) overhead as
a complexity measure for VLSI implementations of two-dimensional
lattice computations of the type arising in the simulation of
physical systems. We show by pebbling arguments that
when there are
processing elements
available. If the results are required to be observed at every
generation, and no on-chip storage is allowed, we show the lower bound
is the constant 2. We then examine four VLSI architectures and show
that one of them, the multi-generation sweep architecture, also has
I/O overhead proportional to
. We compare the constants of
proportionality between the lower bound and the architecture.
Finally, we prove a closed-form for the discrete minimization equation
giving the optimal number of generations to compute for the
multi-generation sweep architecture.
We provide the first optimal algorithms in terms of the number of
input/outputs (I/Os) required between internal memory and multiple
secondary storage devices for the problems of sorting, FFT, matrix
transposition, standard matrix multiplication, and related problems.
Our two-level memory model is new and gives a realistic treatment of
parallel block transfer, in which during a single I/O each of the
secondary storage devices can simultaneously transfer a contiguous
block of
records. The model pertains to a large-scale uniprocessor
system or parallel multiprocessor system with
disks. In addition,
the sorting, FFT, permutation network, and standard matrix
multiplication algorithms are typically optimal in terms of the amount
of internal processing time. The difficulty in developing optimal
algorithms is to cope with the partitioning of memory into
physical devices. Our algorithms' performance can be significantly
better than those obtained by the well-known but nonoptimal technique of
disk striping. Our optimal sorting algorithm is randomized, but
practical; the probability of using more than
times the optimal
number of I/Os is exponentially small in
is the internal memory size.
In this paper we introduce parallel versions of two hierarchical memory
models and give optimal algorithms in these models for sorting, FFT, and
matrix multiplication. In our parallel models, there are memory
hierarchies operating simultaneously; communication among the
hierarchies takes place at a base memory level. Our optimal sorting
algorithm is randomized and is based upon the probabilistic partitioning
technique developed in the companion paper for optimal disk sorting in a
two-level memory with parallel block transfer. The probability of using
times the optimal running time is exponentially small in
We present an algorithm for sorting efficiently with parallel two-level memories. Our
main result is an elegant, easy-to-implement, optimal, detemzinistic algorithm for external sorting
with disk drives. This result answers in the affirmative the open problem posed by Vitter and
Shriver of whether an optimal algorithm exists that is deterministic. Our measure of performance
is the number of parallel input/output (I/0) operations, in which each of the
disks can
simultaneously transfer a block of
contiguous records. We assume that internal memory can
records. Our algorithm sorts
records in the optimal bound of
deterministically, and thus it improves upon Vitter and Shriver's optimal randomized
algorithm as well as the well-known deterministic but nonoptimal technique of disk striping. It is
also practical to implement.
We present several efficient algorithms for sorting on the uniform memory hierarchy (UMH), introduced by Alpern, Carter, and Feig, and its parallelization P-UMH. We give optimal and nearly-optimal algorithms for a wide range of bandwidth degradations, including a parsimonious algorithm for constant bandwidth. We also develop optimal sorting algorithms for all bandwidths for other versions of UMH and P-UMH, including natural restrictions we introduce called RUMH and P-RUMH, which more closely correspond to current programming languages.
We present a load balancing technique that leads to an optimal
deterministic algorithm called Balance Sort for external sorting
on multiple disks. Our measure of performance is the number of
input/output (I/O) operations. In each I/O, each of the
disks can simultaneously transfer a block of data. Our
algorithm improves upon the randomized optimal algorithm of
Vitter and Shriver as well as the (non-optimal) commonly-used
technique of disk striping. It also improves upon our earlier
merge-based sorting algorithm in that it has smaller constants
hidden in the big-oh notation, and it is possible to implement
using only striped writes (but independent reads). In a
companion paper, we show how to modify the algorithm to achieve
optimal CPU time, even on parallel processors and parallel
memory hierarchies.
We present a practical deterministic load balancing strategy for distribution sort that is applicable to parallel disks and parallel memory hierarchies with both single and parallel processors. The simplest application of the strategy is an optimal deterministic algorithm called Balance Sort for external sorting on multiple disks with a single CPU, as described in the companion paper. However, the internal processing of Balance Sort does not seem parallelizable. In this paper, we develop an elegant variation that achieves full parallel speedup. The algorithms so derived are optimal for all parallel memory hierarchies with any type of a PRAM base-level interconnection and are either optimal or best-known for a hypercube interconnection. We show how to achieve optimal internal processing time as well as optimal number of I/Os in parallel two-level memories.
Large-scale problems involving geometric data arise in numerous settings, and severe communication bottlenecks can arise in solving them. Work is needed in the development of I/O-efficient algorithms, as well as those that effectively utilize hierarchical memory. In order for new algorithms to be implemented efficiently in practice, the machines they run on must support fundamental external-memory operations. We discuss several advantages offered by TPIE (Transparent Parallel I/O Programming Environment) to enable I/O-efficient implementations.
General Terms: Algorithms, Design, Languages, Performance, Theory. Additional Key Words and Phrases: computational geometry, I/O, external memory, secondary memory, communication, disk drive, parallel disks.
In this paper, we give new techniques for designing efficient algorithms for computational geometry problems that are too large to be solved in internal memory, and we use these techniques to develop optimal and practical algorithms for a number of important large-scale problems in computational geometry. Our algorithms are optimal for a wide range of two-level and hierarchical multilevel memory models, including parallel models. The algorithms are optimal in terms of both I/O cost and internal computation.
Our results are built on four fundamental techniques: distribution
sweeping, a generic method for externalizing plane-sweep
algorithms; persistent B-trees, for which we have both on-line
and off-line methods; batch filtering, a general method for
performing simultaneous external-memory searches in any data
structure that can be modeled as a planar layered dag; and
external marriage-before-conquest, an external-memory analog of the
well-known technique of Kirkpatrick and Seidel. Using these techniques
we are able to solve a very large number of problems in computational
geometry, including batched range queries, 2-d and 3-d convex hull
construction, planar point location, range queries, finding all nearest
neighbors for a set of planar points, rectangle intersection/union
reporting, computing the visibility of segments from a point, performing
ray-shooting queries in constructive solid geometry (CSG) models, as
well as several geometric dominance problems.
These results are significant because large-scale problems involving geometric data are ubiquitous in spatial databases, geographic information systems (GIS), constraint logic programming, object oriented databases, statistics, virtual reality systems, and graphics. This work makes a big step, both theoretically and in practice, towards the effective management and manipulation of geometric data in external memory, which is an essential component of these applications.
In this paper, we consider the problem of using disk blocks efficiently
in searching graphs that are too large to fit in internal memory. Our
model allows a vertex to be represented any number of times on the disk
in order to take advantage of redundancy. We give matching upper and
lower bounds for complete -ary trees and
-dimensional grid
graphs, as well as for classes of general graphs that intuitively
speaking have a close to uniform number of neighbors around each vertex.
We examine I/O-efficient data structures that provide
indexing support for new data models. The database languages of these
models include concepts from constraint programming (e.g., relational
tuples are generalized to conjunctions of constraints) and from
object-oriented programming (e.g., objects are organized in class
hierarchies). Let be the size of the database,
the number of
the page size on secondary storage, and
the size of
the output of a query. (1) Indexing by one attribute in many
constraint data models is equivalent to external dynamic interval
management, which is a special case of external dynamic 2-dimensional
range searching. We present a semi-dynamic data structure for this
problem that has worst-case space
pages, query I/O time
insert I/O time. Note that, for the static version of this problem,
this is the first worst-case optimal solution. (2) Indexing by one
attribute and by class name in an object-oriented model, where objects
are organized as a forest hierarchy of classes, is also a special case
of external dynamic 2-dimensional range searching. Based on this
observation, we first identify a simple algorithm with good worst-case
performance, query I/O time
, update I/O time
and space
pages for the class
indexing problem. Using the forest structure of the class hierarchy
and techniques from the constraint indexing problem, we improve its
query I/O time to
We present a collection of new techniques for designing and analyzing efficient external-memory algorithms for graph problems and illustrate how these techniques can be applied to a wide variety of specific problems. Our results include:
Our techniques apply to a number of problems, including list ranking, which we discuss in detail, finding Euler tours, expression-tree evaluation, centroid decomposition of a tree, least-common ancestors, minimum spanning tree verification, connected and biconnected components, minimum spanning forest, ear decomposition, topological sorting, reachability, graph drawing, and visibility representation.
In the design of algorithms for large-scale applications it is essential to consider the problem of minimizing I/O communication. Geographical information systems (GIS) are good examples of such large-scale applications as they frequently handle huge amounts of spatial data. In this paper we develop efficient new external-memory algorithms for a number of important problems involving line segments in the plane, including trapezoid decomposition, batched planar point location, triangulation, red-blue line segment intersection reporting, and general line segment intersection reporting. In GIS systems, the first three problems are useful for rendering and modeling, and the latter two are frequently used for overlaying maps and extracting information from them.
To solve these problems, we combine and modify in novel ways several of the previously known techniques for designing efficient algorithms for external memory. We also develop a powerful new technique that can be regarded as a practical external memory version of fractional cascading. Except for the batched planar point location problem, no algorithms specifically designed for external memory were previously known for these problems. Our algorithms for triangulation and line segment intersection partially answer previously posed open problems, while the batched planar point location algorithm improves on the previously known solution, which applied only to monotone decompositions. Our algorithm for the red-blue line segment intersection problem is provably optimal.
In recent years, I/O-efficient algorithms for a wide variety of problems have appeared in the literature. Thus far, however, systems specifically designed to assist programmers in implementing such algorithms have remained scarce. TPIE is a system designed to fill this void. It supports I/O-efficient paradigms for problems from a variety of domains, including computational geometry, graph algorithms, and scientific computation. The TPIE interface frees programmers from having to deal not only of explicit read and write calls, but also the complex memory management that must be performed for I/O-efficient computation.
In this paper, we discuss applications of TPIE to problems in scientific computation. We discuss algorithmic issues underlying the design and implementation of the relevant components of TPIE and present performance results of programs written to solve a series of benchmark problems using our current TPIE prototype. Some of the benchmarks we present are based on the NAS parallel benchmarks, while others are of our own creation.
We demonstrate that the CPU overhead required to manage I/O is small and that even with just a single disk the I/O overhead of I/O-efficient computation ranges from negligible to the same order of magnitude as CPU time. We conjecture that if we use a number of disks in parallel this overhead can be all but eliminated.
We present a new approach to designing data structures for the
important problem of external-memory range searching in two and three
dimensions. We construct data structures for answering range queries
I/O operations, where
is the number of points in the data structure,
is the I/O
block size, and
is the number of points in the answer to the
query. We base our data structures on the novel concept of
-approximate boundaries, which are manifolds that partition space
into regions based on the output size of queries at points within the
Our data structures answer a longstanding open problem by providing
three dimensional results comparable to those provided by Sairam and
Ramaswamy for the two dimensional case, though completely new
techniques are used. Ours is the first 3-D range search data
structure that simultaneously achieves both a base- logarithmic
search overhead (namely,
) and a fully
blocked output component (namely,
). This gives us an overall
I/O complexity extremely close to the well-known lower bound of
. The space usage is more than linear by
a logarithmic or polylogarithmic factor, depending on type of range
We consider the problem of sorting a file of records
on the
-disk model of parallel I/O in
which there are two sources of parallelism. Records are transferred
to and from disk concurrently in blocks of
contiguous records.
In each I/O operation, up to one block can be transferred to or from
each of the
disks in parallel. We propose a simple, efficient,
randomized mergesort algorithm called SRM that uses a
forecast-and-flush approach to overcome the inherent difficulties of
simple merging on parallel disks. SRM exhibits a limited use of
randomization and also has a useful deterministic version.
Generalizing the technique of forecasting, our
algorithm is able to read in, at any time, the “right” block from
any disk, and using the technique of flushing, our algorithm evicts,
without any I/O overhead, just the “right” blocks from memory to
make space for new ones to be read in. The disk layout of SRM is
such that it enjoys perfect write parallelism, avoiding fundamental
inefficiencies of previous mergesort algorithms. By analysis of
generalized maximum occupancy problems we are able to
derive an analytical upper bound on SRM's expected overhead valid
for arbitrary inputs.
The upper bound derived on expected I/O performance of SRM indicates
that SRM is provably better than disk-striped mergesort (DSM) for
realistic parameter values ,
, and
. Average-case
simulations show
further improvement on the analytical upper bound. Unlike previously
proposed optimal sorting algorithms, SRM outperforms
DSM even when the number
of parallel disks is small.
We discuss the strategic directions and challenges in the management and use of storage systems--those components of computer systems responsible for the storage and retrieval of data. The performance gap between main and secondary memories shows no imminent sign of vanishing, and thus continuing research into storage I/O will be essential to reap the full benefit from the advances occurring in many other areas of computer science. In this report we identify a few strategic research goals and possible thrusts to meet those goals.
There has recently been much productive work in the algorithms community on techniques for efficient use of external memory in large-scale applications. In order to implement I/O-optimal algorithms efficiently, the machines they run on must support fundamental external-memory operations. Unfortunately, existing file systems generally do not support the necessary semantics or provide useful tools. There are three basic approaches to supporting development of I/O-efficient code: array-oriented systems (such as PASSION and ViC*), access-oriented systems (such as the UNIX file system and Panda), and framework-oriented systems (such as TPIE, a Transparent Parallel I/O Programming Environment). In this position statement, we discuss the advantages and potential of the TPIE approach in enabling I/O-efficient computation.
General Terms: Algorithms, Design, Languages, Performance, Theory. Additional Key Words and Phrases: I/O, external memory, secondary memory, communication, disk drive, parallel disks, sorting.
In this paper we address for the first time the I/O complexity of the
problem of sorting strings in external memory, which is a fundamental
component of many large-scale text applications. In the standard
unit-cost RAM comparison model, the complexity of sorting strings of
total length
. By analogy, in the external
memory (or I/O) model, where the internal memory has size
and the
block transfer size is
, it would be natural to guess that the I/O
complexity of sorting strings is
, but the known algorithms do not come even
close to achieving this bound. Our results show, somewhat
counterintuitively, that the I/O complexity of string sorting depends
upon the length of the strings relative to the block size. We first
consider a simple comparison I/O model, where one is not allowed to break
the strings into their characters, and we show that the I/O complexity of
string sorting in this model is
, where
is the total
length of all strings shorter than
is the number of strings
longer than
. We then consider two more general I/O comparison models
in which string breaking is allowed. We obtain improved algorithms and in
several cases lower bounds that match their I/O bounds. Finally, we
develop more practical algorithms without assuming the comparison model.
For a polyhedral terrain, the contour at -coordinate
defined to be the intersection of the
with the terrain. In this paper, we study the
contour-line extraction problem, where we want to preprocess
the terrain into a data structure so that given a query
, we can report the
-contour quickly. This problem
is central to geographic information systems (GIS),
where terrains are often stored as Triangular Irregular Networks
(TINs). We present an I/O-optimal algorithm for this problem which
stores a terrain with
vertices using
is the size of a disk block, so that for any query
-contour can be computed using
I/O operations, where
denotes the size of the
We also present an improved algorithm for a more general problem of blocking bounded-degree planar graphs such as TINs (i.e., storing them on disk so that any graph traversal algorithm can traverse the graph in an I/O-efficient manner). We apply it to two problems that arise in GIS.
We describe a powerful framework for designing efficient batch algorithms for certain large-scale dynamic problems that must be solved using external memory. The class of problems we consider, which we call colorable external-decomposable problems, include rectangle intersection, orthogonal line segment intersection, range searching, and point location. We are particularly interested in these problems in two and higher dimensions. They have numerous applications in geographic information systems (GIS), spatial databases, and VLSI and CAD design. We present simplified algorithms for problems previously solved by more complicated approaches (such as rectangle intersection), and we present efficient algorithms for problems not previously solved in an efficient way (such as point location and higher-dimensional versions of range searching and rectangle intersection).
We give experimental results concerning the running time for our approach applied to the red-blue rectangle intersection problem, which is a key component of the extremely important database operation spatial join. Our algorithm scales well with the problem size, and for large problems sizes it greatly outperforms the well-known sweepline approach.
In this paper, we examine the spatial join problem. In particular, we focus on the case when neither of the inputs is indexed. We present a new algorithm, Scalable Sweep-based Spatial Join (SSSJ), that is based on the distribution-sweeping technique recently proposed in computational geometry, and that is the first to achieve theoretically optimal bounds on internal computation time as well as I/O transfers. We present experimental results based on an efficient implementation of the SSSJ algorithm, and compare it to the state-of-the-art Partition-Based Spatial-Merge (PBSM) algorithm of Patel and DeWitt.
Our SSSJ algorithm performs an initial sorting step along the vertical
axis, after which we use the distribution-sweeping technique to partition
the input into a number of vertical strips, such that the data in each
strip can be efficiently processed by an internal-memory sweepline
algorithm. A key observation that allowed us to greatly improve the
practical performance of our algorithm is that in most sweepline algorithms
not all input data is needed in main memory at the same time. In our
initial experiments, we observed that on real-life two-dimensional spatial
data sets of size , the internal-memory sweepline algorithm requires
memory space. This behavior (also known as the
square-root rule in the VLSI literature) implies that for real-life
two-dimensional data sets, we can bypass the vertical partitioning step and
directly perform the sweepline algorithm after the initial external sorting
step. We implemented SSSJ such that partitioning is only done when it is
detected that that the sweepline algorithm exhausts the internal
memory. This results in an algorithm that not only is extremely efficient
for real-life data but also offers guaranteed worst-case bounds and
predictable behavior on skewed and/or bad input data: Our experiments show
that SSSJ performs at least
better than PBSM on real-life data sets,
and that it robustly handles skewed data on which PBSM suffers a serious
performance degeneration.
As part of our experimental work we experimented with a number of different
techniques for performing the internal sweepline. By using an efficient
partitioning heuristic, we were able to speed up the internal sweeping used
by PBSM by a factor of over on the average for real-life data sets. The
resulting improved PBSM then performs approximately
better than SSSJ
on the real-life data we used, and it is thus a good choice of algorithm
when the data is known not to be too skewed.
We provide a competitive analysis framework for online prefetching and buffer management algorithms in parallel I/O systems, using a read-once model of block references. This has widespread applicability to key I/O-bound applications such as external merging and concurrent playback of multiple video streams. Two realistic lookahead models, global lookahead and local lookahead, are defined. Algorithms NOM and GREED based on these two forms of lookahead are analyzed for shared buffer and distributed buffer configurations, both of which occur frequently in existing systems. An important aspect of our work is that we show how to implement both the models of lookahead in practice using the simple techniques of forecasting and flushing.
Given a -disk parallel I/O system and a globally shared I/O buffer
that can hold up to
disk blocks, we derive a lower bound of
on the competitive ratio of any deterministic
online prefetching algorithm with
lookahead. NOM is shown to match
the lower bound using global
-block lookahead. In contrast, using only
local lookahead results in an
competitive ratio. When the
buffer is distributed into
portions of
blocks each, the algorithm
GREED based on local lookahead is shown to be optimal, and NOM is within a
constant factor of optimal. Thus we provide a theoretical basis for the
intuition that global lookahead is more valuable for prefetching in the
case of a shared buffer configuration whereas it is enough to provide local
lookahead in case of the distributed configuration. Finally, we analyze the
performance of these algorithms for reference strings generated by a
uniformly-random stochastic process and we show that they achieve the
minimal expected number of I/Os. These results also give bounds on the
worst-case expected performance of algorithms which employ randomization in
the data layout.
Slides for talk (gzip-compressed postscript)
For a wide variety of computational tasks, disk I/O continues to be a serious obstacle to high performance. To meet demanding I/O requirements, systems are designed to use multiple disk drives that share one or more I/O ports to form a disk farm or RAID array. The focus of the present paper is on systems that use multiple disks per SCSI bus. We measured the performance of concurrent random I/Os for three types of SCSI disk drives and three types of computers. The measurements enable us to study bus-related phenomena that impair performance. We describe these phenomena, and present a new I/O performance model that incorporates bus effects to predict the average throughput achieved by concurrent random I/Os that share a SCSI bus. This model, although relatively simple, predicts performance on these platforms to within 11% for fixed I/O sizes in the range 16-128 KB/s. We then describe a technique to improve the I/O throughput. This technique increases the percentage of disk head positioning time that is overlapped with data transfers, and increases the percentage of transfers that occur at bus bandwidth, rather than at disk-head bandwidth. Our technique is most effective for large I/Os and high concurrency--an important performance region for large-scale computing--our improvements are 10-20% better than the naive method for random workloads.
There has recently been an explosion of interest in the analysis of data in data warehouses in the field of On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP). Data warehouses can be extremely large, yet obtaining quick answers to queries is important. In many situations, obtaining the exact answer to an OLAP query is prohibitively expensive in terms of time and/or storage space. It can be advantageous to have fast, approximate answers to queries.
In this paper, we present an I/O-efficient technique based upon a multiresolution wavelet decomposition that yields an approximate and space-efficient representation of the data cube, which is one of the core OLAP operators. We build our compact data cube on the logarithms of the partial sums of the raw data values of a multidimensional array. We get excellent approximations for on-line range-sum queries with limited space usage and computational cost. Multiple data cubes can be handled simultaneously. Each query can generally be answered, depending upon the accuracy supported, in one I/O or a small number of I/Os. Experiments show that our method performs significantly better than other approximation techniques such as histograms and random sampling.
We show how to preprocess a set of points in
Euclidean space to get an external memory data structure that
efficiently supports linear-constraint queries. Each query is in the
form of a linear constraint
; the data
structure must report all the points of
that satisfy the query.
(This problem is called halfspace range searching in the computational
geometry literature.) Our goal is to minimize the number of disk
blocks required to store the data structure and the number of disk
accesses (I/Os) required to answer a query. For
, we present
the first near-linear size data structures that can answer
linear-constraint queries using an optimal number of I/Os. We also
present a linear-size data structure that can answer queries
efficiently in the worst case. We combine these two approaches to
obtain tradeoffs between space and query time. Finally, we show that
some of our techniques extend to higher dimensions.
Query optimization is an integral part of relational database
management systems. One important task in query optimization is
selectivity estimation, that is, given a query , we need to
estimate the fraction of records in the database that satisfy
Many commercial database systems maintain histograms to approximate
the frequency distribution of values in the attributes of relations.
In this paper, we present a technique based upon a multiresolution wavelet decomposition for building histograms on the underlying data distributions, with applications to databases, statistics, and simulation. Histograms built on the cumulative data distributions give very good approximations with limited space usage. We give fast algorithms for constructing histograms and using them in an on-line fashion for selectivity estimation. Our histograms also provide quick approximate answers to OLAP queries when the exact answers are not required. Our method captures the joint distribution of multiple attributes effectively, even when the attributes are correlated. Experiments confirm that our histograms offer substantial improvements in accuracy over random sampling and other previous approaches.
Slides for a talk (Adobe pdf format)
This survey article is superseded by a more comprehensive book. The book is available online and is recommended as the preferable reference.
In recent years there has been an upsurge of interest in spatial databases. A major issue is how to efficiently manipulate massive amounts of spatial data stored on disk in multidimensional spatial indexes (data structures). Construction of spatial indexes (bulk loading) has been researched intensively in the database community. The continuous arrival of massive amounts of new data make it important to efficiently update existing indexes (bulk updating).
In this article we present a simple technique for performing bulk update and query operations on multidimensional indexes. We present our technique in terms of the so-called R-tree and its variants, as they have emerged as practically efficient indexing methods for spatial data. Our method uses ideas from the buffer tree lazy buffering technique and fully utilizes the available internal memory and the page size of the operating system. We give a theoretical analysis of our technique, showing that it is efficient both in terms of I/O communication, disk storage, and internal computation time. We also present the results of an extensive set of experiments showing that in practice our approach performs better than the previously best known bulk update methods with respect to update time, and that it produces a better quality index in terms of query performance. One important novel feature of our technique is that in most cases it allows us to perform a batch of updates and queries simultaneously. To be able to do so is essential in environments where queries have to be answered even while the index is being updated and reorganized.
We present an efficient external-memory dynamic data structure for point
location in monotone planar subdivisions. Our data structure uses
disk blocks to store a monotone subdivision of size
, where
is the size of a disk block. It supports queries in
I/Os (worst-case) and updates in
I/Os (amortized).
We also propose a new variant of -trees, called level-balanced
-trees, which allow insert, delete, merge, and split operations in
I/Os (amortized),
, even if each node stores a pointer to its parent.
is the size of main memory. Besides being essential to our
point-location data structure, we believe that level-balanced
B-trees are of significant independent interest. They can, for
example, be used to dynamically maintain a planar st-graph using
(amortized) per update, so that reachability queries can be answered in
I/Os (worst case).
Computing multidimensional aggregates in high dimensions is a performance bottleneck for many OLAP applications. Obtaining the exact answer to an aggregation query can be prohibitively expensive in terms of time and/or storage space in a data warehouse environment. It is advantageous to have fast, approximate answers to OLAP aggregation queries.
In this paper, we present a novel method that provides approximate answers to high-dimensional OLAP aggregation queries in massive sparse data sets in a time-efficient and space-efficient manner. We construct a compact data cube, which is an approximate and space-efficient representation of the underlying multidimensional array, based upon a multiresolution wavelet decomposition. In the on-line phase, each aggregation query can generally be answered using the compact data cube in one I/O or a small number of I/Os, depending upon the desired accuracy.
We present two I/O-efficient algorithms to construct the compact data cube for the important case of sparse high-dimensional arrays, which often arise in practice. The traditional histogram methods are infeasible for the massive high-dimensional data sets in OLAP applications. Previously developed wavelet techniques are efficient only for dense data. Our on-line query processing algorithm is very fast and capable of refining answers as the user demands more accuracy. Experiments on real data show that our method provides significantly more accurate results for typical OLAP aggregation queries than other efficient approximation techniques such as random sampling.
In this paper we settle several longstanding open problems in theory of indexability and external orthogonal range searching. In the first part of the paper, we apply the theory of indexability to the problem of two-dimensional range searching. We show that the special case of 3-sided querying can be solved with constant redundancy and access overhead. From this, we derive indexing schemes for general 4-sided range queries that exhibit an optimal tradeoff between redundancy and access overhead.
In the second part of the paper, we develop dynamic external memory data
structures for the two query types. Our structure for 3-sided queries
occupies disk blocks, and it supports insertions and deletions
I/Os and queries in
I/Os, where
is the disk block size,
is the number of points, and
is the
query output size. These bounds are optimal. Our structure for general
(4-sided) range searching occupies
disk blocks and answers queries in
I/Os, which are optimal. It also supports updates in
Slides for talk plus extra foils on dynamic memory allocation (gzip-compressed postscript)
External sorting is a fundamental operation in many large scale data processing systems not only for producing sorted output but also as a core subroutine in many operations. Technology trends indicate that developing techniques that effectively use multiple disks in parallel in order to speed up the performance of external sorting is of prime importance. The simple randomized merging (SRM) mergesort algorithm proposed in our earlier work is the first parallel disk sorting algorithm that requires a provably optimal number of passes and that is fast in practice. Knuth (in the new edition of The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 3: Sorting and Searching) recently identified SRM (which he calls “randomized striping”) as the method of choice for sorting with parallel disks.
In this paper, we present an efficient implementation of SRM, based upon novel data structures. We give a new implementation for SRM's lookahead forecasting technique for parallel prefetching and its forecast and flush technique for buffer management. Our techniques amount to a significant improvement in the way SRM carries out the parallel, independent disk accesses necessary to efficiently read blocks of input runs during external merging.
We present the performance of SRM over a wide range of input sizes
and compare its performance with that of disk-striped
mergesort (DSM), the commonly used technique to
implement external mergesort on parallel disks. DSM consists
of using a standard mergesort algorithm in conjunction with
striped I/O for parallel disk access. SRM merges together
significantly more runs at a time compared with DSM, and thus it
requires fewer merge passes. We demonstrate in practical scenarios
that even though the streaming speeds for merging with DSM are a
little higher than those for SRM (since DSM merges fewer runs at a
time), sorting using SRM is significantly faster than with DSM,
since SRM requires fewer passes.
The techniques in this paper can be generalized to meet the load-balancing requirements of other applications using parallel disks, including distribution sort, multiway partitioning of a file into several other files. and some potential multimedia streaming applications.
This survey article is superseded by a more comprehensive book. The book is available online and is recommended as the preferable reference.
Slides for ICALP '99 talk (gzip-compressed postscript)
The data sets for many of today's computer applications are too large to fit within the computer's internal memory and must instead be stored on external storage devices such as disks. A major performance bottleneck can be the input/output communication (or I/O) between the external and internal memories. In this paper we discuss a variety of online data structures for external memory, some very old and some very new, such as hashing (for dictionaries), B-trees (for dictionaries and 1-D range search), buffer trees (for batched dynamic problems), interval trees with weight-balanced B-trees (for stabbing queries), priority search trees (for 3-sided 2-D range search), and R-trees and other spatial structures. We also discuss several open problems along the way.
We consider the problem of devising external memory algorithms whose memory allocations can change dynamically and unpredictably at run-time. The investigation of “memory-adaptive” algorithms, which are designed to adapt to dynamically changing memory allocations, can be considered a natural extension of the investigation of traditional, non-adaptive external memory algorithms. Our study is motivated by high performance database systems and operating systems in which applications are prioritized and internal memory is dynamically allocated in accordance with the priorities. In such situations, external memory applications are expected to perform as well as possible for the current memory allocation. The computation must be reorganized to adapt to the sequence of memory allocations in an online manner.
In this paper we present a simple and natural dynamic memory allocation model. We define memory-adaptive external memory algorithms and specify what is needed for them to be dynamically optimal. Using novel techniques, we design and analyze dynamically optimal memory-adaptive algorithms for the problems of sorting, permuting, FFT, permutation networks, (standard) matrix multiplication and LU decomposition. We also present a dynamically optimal (in an amortized sense) memory-adaptive version of the buffer tree, a generic external memory data structure for a large number of batched dynamic applications. We show that a previously devised approach to memory-adaptive external mergesort is provably nonoptimal because of fundamental drawbacks. The lower bound proof techniques for sorting and matrix multiplication are fundamentally distinct techniques, and they are invoked by most other external memory lower bounds; hence we anticipate that the techniques presented here will apply to many external memory problems.
Most spatial join algorithms either assume the existence of a spatial index structure that is traversed during the join process, or solve the problem by sorting, partitioning, or on-the-fly index construction. In this paper, we develop a simple plane-sweeping algorithm that unifies the index-based and non-index based approaches. This algorithm processes indexed as well as non-indexed inputs, extends naturally to multi-way joins, and can be built easily from a few standard operations. We present the results of a comparative study of the new algorithm with several index-based and non-index based spatial join algorithms. We consider a number of factors, including the relative performance of CPU and disk, the quality of the spatial indexes, and the sizes of the input relations. An important conclusion from our work is that using an index-based approach whenever indexes are available does not always lead to the best execution time, and hence we propose the use of a simple cost model to decide when to follow an index-based approach.
The potential and use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is rapidly increasing due to the increasing availability of massive amounts of geospatial data from projects like NASA's Mission to Planet Earth. However, the use of these massive datasets also exposes scalability problems with existing GIS algorithms. These scalability problems are mainly due to the fact that most GIS algorithms have been designed to minimize internal computation time, while I/O communication often is the bottleneck when processing massive amounts of data.
In this paper, we consider I/O-efficient algorithms for problems
on grid-based terrains. Detailed grid-based terrain data is
rapidly becoming available for much of the earth's surface. We
I/O algorithms for
several problems on
grids for which only
algorithms were previously known. Here
denotes the size
of the main memory and
the size of a disk block.
We demonstrate the practical merits of our work by comparing the empirical performance of our new algorithm for the flow accumulation problem with that of the previously best known algorithm. Flow accumulation, which models flow of water through a terrain, is one of the most basic hydrologic attributes of a terrain. We present the results of an extensive set of experiments on real-life terrain datasets of different sizes and characteristics. Our experiments show that while our new algorithm scales nicely with dataset size, the previously known algorithm “breaks down” once the size of the dataset becomes bigger than the available main memory. For example, while our algorithm computes the flow accumulation for the Appalachian Mountains in about three hours, the previously known algorithm takes several weeks.
Many data sets to be sorted consist of a limited number of
distinct keys. Sorting such data sets can be thought of as
bundling together identical keys and having the bundles placed in
order; we therefore denote this as bundle sorting. We
describe an efficient algorithm for bundle sorting in external
memory that requires at most
accesses, where
is the number of keys,
is the size of
internal memory,
is the number of distinct keys,
is the
transfer block size, and
. For moderately sized
, this
bound circumvents the
I/O lower
bound known for general sorting. We show that our algorithm is
optimal by proving a matching lower bound for bundle sorting. The
improved running time of bundle sorting over general sorting can
be significant in practice, as demonstrated by experimentation. An
important feature of the new algorithm is that it is executed
“in-place”, requiring no additional disk space.
This paper investigates the problem of high-level querying of multimedia data by imposing arbitrary domain-specific constraints among multimedia objects. We argue that the current structured query model, and the query-by-content model, are insufficient for many important applications, and we propose an alternative query framework that unifies and extends the previous two models. The proposed framework is based on the querying-by-concept paradigm, where the query is expressed simply in terms of concepts, regardless of the complexity of the underlying multimedia search engines. The query-by-concept paradigm was previously illustrated by the CAMEL system. The present paper builds upon and extends that work by adding arbitrary constraints and multiple levels of hierarchy in the concept representation model.
We consider queries simply as descriptions of virtual data sets, and that allows us to use the same unifying concept representation for query specification, as well as for data annotation purposes. We also identify some key issues and challenges presented by the new framework, and we outline possible approaches for overcoming them. In particular, we study the problems of concept representation, extraction, refinement, storage, and matching.
The problem of content-based image searching has received considerable attention in the last few years. Thousands of images are now available on the internet, and many important applications require searching of images in domains such as E-commerce, medical imaging, weather prediction, satellite imagery, and so on. Yet, content-based image querying is still largely unestablished as a mainstream field, nor is it widely used by search engines. We believe that two of the major hurdles for this poor acceptance are poor retrieval quality and usability.
In this paper, we introduce the CAMEL system--an acronym for Concept Annotated iMagE Libraries--as an effort to address both of the above problems. The CAMEL system provides and easy-to-use, and yet powerful, text-only query interface, which allows users to search for images based on visual concepts, identified by specifying relevant keywords. Conceptually, CAMEL annotates images with the visual concepts that are relevant to them. In practice, CAMEL defines visual concepts by looking at sample images off-line and extracting their relevant visual features. Once defined, such visual concepts can be used to search for relevant images on the fly, using content-based search methods. The visual concepts are stored in a Concept Library and are represented by an associated set of wavelet features, which in our implementation were extracted by the WALRUS image querying system. Even though the CAMEL framework applies independently of the underlying query engine, for our prototype we have chosen WALRUS as a back-end, due to its ability to extract and query with image region features.
CAMEL improves retrieval quality because it allows experts to build very accurate representations of visual concepts that can be used even by novice users. At the same time, CAMEL improves usability by supporting the familiar text-only interface currently used by most search engines on the web. Both improvements represent a departure from traditional approaches to improving image query systems--instead of focusing on query execution, we emphasize query specification by allowing simpler and yet more precise query specification.
We investigate automated methods for externalizing internal memory
data structures. We consider a class of balanced trees that we
call weight-balanced partitioning trees (or wp-trees) for indexing
a set of points in -dimensional space. Well-known examples of
wp-trees include
d-trees, BBD-trees, pseudo quad trees, and BAR
trees. These trees are defined with fixed degree and are thus
suited for internal memory implementations. Given an efficient
wp-tree construction algorithm, we present a general framework for
automatically obtaining a new dynamic external tree data
structure. Using this framework together with a new general
construction (bulk loading) technique of independent interest, we
obtain data structures with guaranteed good update performance in
terms of I/O transfers. Our approach gives considerably improved
construction and update I/O bounds of
d-trees and BBD trees.
Parallel disks promise to be a cost effective means for achieving high bandwidth in applications involving massive data sets, but algorithms for parallel disks can be difficult to devise. To combat this problem, we define a useful and natural duality between writing to parallel disks and the seemingly more difficult problem of prefetching. We first explore this duality for applications involving read-once accesses using parallel disks. We get a simple linear time algorithm for computing optimal prefetch schedules and analyze the efficiency of the resulting schedules for randomly placed data and for arbitrary interleaved accesses to striped sequences. Duality also provides an optimal schedule for the integrated caching and prefetching problem, in which blocks can be accessed multiple times. Another application of this duality gives us the first parallel disk sorting algorithms that are provably optimal up to lower order terms. One of these algorithms is a simple and practical variant of multiway merge sort, addressing a question that has been open for some time.
This paper investigates the problem of incremental joins of multiple
ranked data sets when the join condition is a list of arbitrary
user-defined predicates on the input tuples. This problem arises in
many important applications dealing with ordered inputs and multiple
ranked data sets, and requiring the top solutions. We use
multimedia applications as the motivating examples but the problem is
equally applicable to traditional database applications involving
optimal resource allocation, scheduling, decision making, ranking,
We propose an algorithm that enables querying of ordered
data sets by imposing arbitrary user-defined join predicates.
The basic version of the algorithm does not use any random access but
variation can exploit available indexes for efficient
random access based on the join predicates. A special case includes
the join scenario considered by Fagin for joins
based on identical keys, and in that case, our algorithms perform as
efficiently as Fagin's. Our main contribution, however, is the
generalization to join scenarios that were previously unsupported,
including cases where random access in the algorithm is not possible
due to lack of unique keys. In addition,
can support multiple join levels, or nested join hierarchies, which are the norm
for modeling multimedia data. We also give
versions of both of the above algorithms. Finally, we give strong
optimality results for some of the proposed algorithms, and we study
their performance empirically.
In this paper we consider aggregate predicates and their support in
database systems. Aggregate predicates are the predicate equivalent
to aggregate functions in that they can be used to search for tuples
that satisfy some aggregate property over a set of tuples (as opposed
to simply computing an aggregate property over a set of tuples). The
importance of aggregate predicates is exemplified by many modern
applications that require ranked search, or top- queries. Such
queries are the norm in multimedia and spatial databases.
In order to support the concept of aggregate predicates in DBMS, we introduce several extensions in the query language and the database engine. Specifically, we extend the SQL syntax to handle aggregate predicates and work out the semantics of such extensions so that they behave correctly in the existing database model. We also propose a a new rk_SORT operator into the database engine, and study relevant indexing and query optimization issues.
Our approach provides several advantages, including enhanced usability and improved performance. By supporting aggregate predicates natively in the database engine, we are able to reuse existing indexing and query optimization techniques, without sacrificing generality or incurring the runtime overhead of database-external approaches. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed framework is the first to support user-defined indexing with aggregate predicates and search based upon user-defined ranking. We also provide empirical results from a simulation study that validates the effectiveness of our approach.
The extensible mark-up language (XML) is gaining widespread use as a format for data exchange and storage on the World Wide Web. Queries over XML data require accurate selectivity estimation of path expressions to optimize query execution plans. Selectivity estimation of XML path expression is usually done based on summary statistics about the structure of the underlying XML repository. All previous methods require an off-line scan of the XML repository to collect the statistics.
In this paper, we propose XPathLearner, a method for estimating selectivity of the most commonly used types of path expressions without looking at the XML data. XPathLearner gathers and refines the statistics using query feedback in an on-line manner and is especially suited to queries in Internet scale applications since the underlying XML repositories are likely to be inaccessible or too large to be scanned entirely. Besides the on-line property, our method also has two other novel features: (a) XPathLearner is workload aware in collecting the statistics and thus can be dramatically more accurate than the more costly off-line method under tight memory constraints, and (b) XPathLearner automatically adjusts the statistics using query feedback when the underlying XML data change. We show empirically the estimation accuracy of our method using several real data sets.
In recent years, many theoretically I/O-efficient algorithms and data structures have been developed. The TPIE project at Duke University was started to investigate the practical importance of these theoretical results. The goal of this ongoing project is to provide a portable, extensible, flexible, and easy to use C++ programming environment for efficiently implementing I/O-algorithms and data structures. The TPIE library has been developed in two phases. The first phase focused on supporting algorithms with a sequential I/O pattern, while the recently developed second phase has focused on supporting on-line I/O-efficient data structures, which exhibit a more random I/O pattern. This paper describes the design and implementation of the second phase of TPIE.
We present a space- and I/O-optimal external-memory data structure for
answering stabbing queries on a set of dynamically maintained intervals.
Our data structure settles an open problem in databases and I/O algorithms
by providing the first optimal external-memory solution to the dynamic
interval management problem, which is a special case of 2-dimensional range
searching and a central problem for object-oriented and temporal databases
and for constraint logic programming. Our data structure simultaneously
uses optimal linear space (that is, blocks of disk space) and
achieves the optimal
I/O query bound and
I/O update bound, where
is the I/O block size and
the number of
elements in the answer to a query. Our structure is also the first optimal
external data structure for a 2-dimensional range searching problem that
has worst-case as opposed to amortized update bounds. Part of the data
structure uses a novel balancing technique for efficient worst-case
manipulation of balanced trees, which is of independent interest.
Classification is a key function of many “business intelligence”
toolkits and a fundamental building
block in data mining.
Immense data may be needed to train a classifier for good accuracy.
The state-of-art classifiers need an in-memory data structure of size , where
is the size of the training data, to achieve
For large data sets, such a data structure will not fit in the internal
The best previously known classifier
does a quadratic number of I/Os for large
In this paper, we propose a novel classification algorithm (classifier) called MIND (MINing in Databases). MIND can be phrased in such a way that its implementation is very easy using the extended relational calculus SQL, and this in turn allows the classifier to be built into a relational database system directly. MIND is truly scalable with respect to I/O efficiency, which is important since scalability is a key requirement for any data mining algorithm.
We built a prototype of MIND in the relational database manager DB2 and benchmarked its performance. We describe the working prototype and report the measured performance with respect to the previous method of choice. MIND scales not only with the size of the datasets but also with the number of processors on an IBM SP2 computer system. Even on uniprocessors, MIND scales well beyond the dataset sizes previously published for classifiers. We also give some insights that may have an impact on the evolution of the extended relational calculus SQL.
As detailed terrain data becomes available, GIS terrain applications target larger geographic areas at finer resolutions. Processing the massive data involved in such applications presents significant challenges to GIS systems and demands algorithms that are optimized both for data movement and computation. In this paper we develop efficient algorithms for flow routing on massive terrains, extending our previous work on flow accumulation. We have implemented these algorithms in the Terraflow system, which is the first comprehensive terrain flow software system designed and optimized for massive data. We compare the performance of Terraflow with that of state of the art commercial and open-source GIS systems. On large terrains, Terraflow outperforms existing systems by a factor of 2 to 1000, and is capable of solving problems no system was previously able to solve.
Parallel independent disks can enhance the performance of external memory (EM) algorithms, but the programming task is often difficult. In this paper we develop randomized variants of distribution sort for use with parallel independent disks. We propose a simple variant called randomized cycling distribution sort (RCD) and prove that it has optimal expected I/O complexity. The analysis uses a novel reduction to a model with significantly fewer probabilistic interdependencies. Experimental evidence is provided to support its practicality. Other simple variants are also examined experimentally and appear to offer similar advantages to RCD. Based upon ideas in RCD we propose general techniques that transparently simulate algorithms developed for the unrealistic multihead disk model so that they can be run on the realistic parallel disk model. The simulation is optimal for two important classes of algorithms: the class of multipass algorithms, which make a complete pass through their data before accessing any element a second time, and the algorithms based upon the well-known distribution paradigm of EM computation.
Most RDBMSs maintain a set of histograms for estimating the selectivities of given queries. These selectivities are typically used for cost-based query optimization. While the problem of building an accurate histogram for a given attribute or attribute set has been well-studied, little attention has been given to the problem of building and tuning a set of histograms collectively for multidimensional queries in a self-managed manner based only on query feedback.
In this paper, we present SASH, a Self-Adaptive Set of Histograms that addresses the problem of building and maintaining a set of histograms. SASH uses a novel two-phase method to automatically build and maintain itself using query feedback information only. In the online tuning phase, the current set of histograms is tuned in response to the estimation error of each query in an online manner. In the restructuring phase, a new and more accurate set of histograms replaces the current set of histograms. The new set of histograms (attribute sets and memory distribution) is found using information from a batch of query feedback. We present experimental results that show the effectiveness and accuracy of our approach.
Slides for talk (Adobe pdf format)
The proliferation of online text, such as on the World Wide Web and
in databases, motivates the need for space-efficient index methods
that support fast search. Consider a text of
binary symbols
to index. Given any query pattern
binary symbols, the
goal is to search for
quickly, with
being fully
scanned only once, namely, when the index is created. All indexing
schemes published in the last thirty years support searching in
worst-case time and require
memory words (or
bits), which is significantly larger than the
text itself. In this paper we provide a breakthrough both in
searching time and index space under the same model of computation
as the one adopted in previous work. Based upon new compressed
representations of suffix arrays and suffix trees, we construct an
index structure that occupies only
bits and compares
favorably with inverted lists in space. We can search any binary
, stored in
words, in only
Specifically, searching takes time for
, and
time for
and any fixed
. That is, we achieve optimal
search time for sufficiently large
We can list all the
pattern occurrences in optimal
additional time when
or when
; otherwise, listing takes
additional time.
We present a novel implementation of compressed suffix arrays exhibiting
new tradeoffs between search time and space occupancy for a given text
(or sequence) of symbols over an alphabet
, where each
symbol is encoded by
bits. We show that compressed
suffix arrays use just
while retaining full text indexing functionalities, such as searching
any pattern sequence of length
time. The term
denotes the
th-order empirical
entropy of the text, which means that our index is nearly optimal in
space apart from lower-order terms, achieving asymptotically the
empirical entropy of the text (with a multiplicative constant 1).
If the text is highly compressible so that
and the alphabet
size is small, we obtain a text index with
search time that
requires only
bits. We also report further results and tradeoffs
on high-order entropy-compressed text indexes.
We report on a new and improved version of high-order entropy-compressed suffix arrays, which has theoretical performance guarantees comparable to previous work, yet represents an improvement in practice. Our experiments indicate that the resulting text index offers state-of-the-art compression. In particular, we require roughly 20% of the original text size -- without requiring a separate instance of the text -- and support fast and powerful searches. To our knowledge, this is the best known method in terms of space for fast searching. We can additionally use a simple notion to encode and decode block-sorting transforms (such as the Burrows-Wheeler transform), achieving a slightly better compression ratio than bzip2. We also provide a compressed representation of suffix trees (and their associated text) in a total space that is comparable to that of the text alone compressed with gzip.
We report on a simple encoding format called wzip for
decompressing block-sorting transforms, such as the Burrows-Wheeler
Transform (BWT). Our compressor uses the simple notions of gamma
encoding and RLE organized with a wavelet tree to achieve a slightly
better compression ration than bzip2 in less time. In fact, our
compression/decompression time is dependent upon , the empirical
th order entropy. Another key contribution of our compressor is its
simplicity. Our compressor can also operate as a full-text index with a
small amount of data, while still preserving backward compatibility with
just the compressor.
Recent work on incremental crawling has enabled the indexed document collection of a search engine to be more synchronized with the changing World Wide Web. However, this synchronized collection is not immediately searchable, because the keyword index is rebuilt from scratch less frequently than the collection can be refreshed. An inverted index is usually used to index documents crawled from the web. Complete index rebuild at high frequency is expensive. Previous work on incremental inverted index updates have been restricted to adding and removing documents. Updating the inverted index for previously indexed documents that have changed has not been addressed.
In this paper, we propose an efficient method to update the inverted index for previously indexed documents whose contents have changed. Our method uses the idea of landmarks together with the diff algorithm to significantly reduce the number of postings in the inverted index that need to be updated. Our experiments verify that our landmark-diff method results in significant savings in the number of update operations on the inverted index.
We propose measures for compressed data
structures, in which space usage is measured in a data-aware manner. In
particular, we consider the fundamental dictionary problem on
set data, where the task is to construct a data structure to
represent a set of
items out of a universe
and support various queries on
. We use a well-known
data-aware measure for set data called gap to bound the space of
our data structures. We describe a novel dictionary structure taking
bits. Under the RAM
model, our dictionary supports membership, rank, select, and predecessor
queries in nearly optimal time, matching the time bound of Andersson and
Thorup's predecessor structure, while simultaneously improving upon their
space usage. Our dictionary structure uses exactly gap bits in the
leading term (i.e., the constant factor is
) and answers queries in
near-optimal time. When seen from the worst case perspective, we present
the first
-bit dictionary structure which supports these
queries in near-optimal time under RAM model. We also build a dictionary
which requires the same space and supports membership, select, and
partial rank queries even more quickly in
time. To the
best of our knowledge, this is the first of a kind result which achieves
data-aware space usage and retains near-optimal time.
We present a unified algorithmic framework to obtain nearly
optimal space
bounds for text compression and compressed text indexing,
apart from
lower-order terms. For a text of
symbols drawn from
, our bounds are stated in terms of the
empirical entropy of the text,
. In particular, we
provide a tight
analysis of the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT)
establishing a bound of
bits, where
asymptotic number of bits required to store the empirical
model for contexts of order up to
. Using the same
framework, we also obtain an implementation of the
compressed suffix array
(CSA) which achieves
bits of space while still retaining competitive
full-text indexing
The novelty of the proposed framework lies in its use of the
finite set model instead of the empirical probability model
(as in previous work), giving us new insight into the design
and analysis of our algorithms. For example, we show that
our analysis gives improved bounds since
do not depend on the
text length
, while
is the modified
th-order empirical entropy of
. Moreover, we show a
strong relationship between a compressed full-text index and
the succinct dictionary problem. We also examine the
importance of lower-order terms, as these can dwarf any
savings achieved by high-order entropy. We report further
results and tradeoffs on high-order entropy-compressed text
indexes in the paper.
Parallel disks provide a cost effective way of speeding up
I/Os in applications that work with large amounts of data.
The main challenge is to achieve as much parallelism as
possible, using prefetching to avoid bottlenecks in disk
Efficient algorithms have been developed for some particular
patterns of accessing the disk blocks. In this paper, we
consider general request sequences. When the request
sequence consists of unique block requests, the problem is
called prefetching and is a well-solved problem for
arbitrary request sequences. When the reference sequence can
have repeated references to the same block, we need to
devise an effective caching policy as well. While optimum
offline algorithms have been recently designed for the
problem, in the online case, no effective algorithm was
previously known.
Our main contribution is a deterministic online algorithm
threshold-LRU which achieves
ratio and a randomized online algorithm threshold-MARK which
competitive ratio for
the caching/prefetching problem on the parallel disk model
(PDM), where
is the number of disks,
is the size of fast
memory buffer, and
is the amount of lookahead
available in the request sequence. The best-known lower
bound on the competitive ratio is
in both models. We also show that if the
deterministic online algorithm is allowed to have twice the
memory of the offline then a tight competitive ratio of
can be achieved. This problem generalizes the
well-known paging problem on a single disk to the parallel
disk model.
The emergence of extensible index structures, e.g., GiST
(Generalized Search Tree) and SP-GiST
(Space-Partitioning Generalized Search Tree),
calls for a set of extensible algorithms to support
different operations (e.g., insertion, deletion, and
search). Extensible bulk operations (e.g., bulk loading and
insertion) are of the same importance and need to be
supported in these index engines. In this paper, we propose
two extensible buffer-based algorithms for bulk operations
in the class of space-partitioning trees; a class of
hierarchical data structures that recursively decompose the
space into disjoint partitions. The main idea of these
algorithms is to build an in-memory tree of the target
space-partitioning index. Then, data items are recursively
partitioned into disk-based buffers using the in-memory
tree. Although the second algorithm is designed for bulk
insertion, it can be used in bulk loading as well. The
proposed extensible algorithms are implemented inside
SP-GiST; a framework for supporting the class of
space-partitioning trees. Both algorithms have I/O bound
, where
is the number of data items to be bulk
is the number of tree nodes that can
fit in one disk page,
is the tree height in terms of
pages after applying a clustering algorithm. Experimental
results are provided to show the scalability and
applicability of the proposed algorithms for the class of
space-partitioning trees. A comparison of the two proposed
algorithms shows that the first algorithm performs better in
case of bulk loading. However the second algorithm is more
general and can be used for efficient bulk insertion.
One of the central tasks in managing, monitoring and mining data streams is that of identifying outliers. There is a long history of study of various outliers in statistics and databases, and a recent focus on mining outliers in data streams. Here, we adopt the notion of deviants from Jagadish et al as outliers. Deviants are based on one of the most fundamental statistical concept of standard deviation (or variance). Formally, deviants are defined based on a representation sparsity metric, i.e., deviants are values whose removal from the dataset leads to an improved compressed representation of the remaining items. Thus, deviants are not global maxima/minima, but rather these are appropriate local aberrations. Deviants are known to be of great mining value in time series databases. We present first-known algorithms for identifying deviants on massive data streams. Our algorithms monitor streams using very small space (polylogarithmic in data size) and are able to quickly find deviants at any instant, as the data stream evolves over time. For all versions of this problem--univariate vs multivariate time series, optimal vs nearoptimal vs heuristic solutions, offline vs streaming--our algorithms have the same framework of maintaining a hierarchical set of candidate deviants that are updated as the time series data gets progressively revealed. We show experimentally using real network traffic data (SNMP aggregate time series) as well as synthetic data that our algorithm is remarkably accurate in determining the deviants.
Ranking is an important property that needs to be fully supported by current relational query engines. Recently, several rank-join query operators have been proposed based on rank aggregation algorithms. Rank-join operators progressively rank the join results while performing the join operation. The new operators have a direct impact on traditional query processing and optimization. We introduce a rank-aware query optimization framework that fully integrates rank-join operators into relational query engines. The framework is based on extending the System R dynamic programming algorithm in both enumeration and pruning. We define ranking as an interesting property that triggers the generation of rank-aware query plans. Unlike traditional join operators, optimizing for rank-join operators depends on estimating the input cardinality of these operators. We introduce a probabilistic model for estimating the input cardinality, and hence the cost of a rank-join operator. To our knowledge, this paper is the first effort in estimating the needed input size for optimal rank aggregation algorithms. Costing ranking plans, although challenging, is key to the full integration of rank-join operators in real-world query processing engines. We experimentally evaluate our framework by modifying the query optimizer of an open-source database management system. The experiments show the validity of our framework and the accuracy of the proposed estimation model.
It is infeasible for a sensor database to contain the exact value of each sensor at all points in time. This uncertainty is inherent in these systems due to measurement and sampling errors, and resource limitations. In order to avoid drawing erroneous conclusions based upon stale data, the use of uncertainty intervals that model each data item as a range and associated probability density function (pdf) rather than a single value has recently been proposed. Querying these uncertain data introduces imprecision into answers, in the form of probability values that specify the likeliness the answer satisfies the query. These queries are more expensive to evaluate than their traditional counterparts but are guaranteed to be correct and more informative due to the probabilities accompanying the answers. Although the answer probabilities are useful, for many applications, it is only necessary to know whether the probability exceeds a given threshold; we term these Probabilistic Threshold Queries (PTQ). In this paper we address the efficient computation of these types of queries.
In particular, we develop two index structures and associated algorithms to efficiently answer PTQs. The first index scheme is based on the idea of augmenting uncertainty information to an R-tree. We establish the difficulty of this problem by mapping one-dimensional intervals to a two-dimensional space, and show that the problem of interval indexing with probabilities is significantly harder than interval indexing which is considered a well-studied problem. To overcome the limitations of this R-tree based structure, we apply a technique we call variance-based clustering, where data points with similar degrees of uncertainty are clustered together. Our extensive index structure can answer the queries for various kinds of uncertainty pdfs, in an almost optimal sense. We conduct experiments to validate the superior performance of both indexing schemes.
Query optimization in IBM's System RX, the first truly hybrid relational-XML data management system, requires accurate selectivity estimation of path-value pairs, i.e., the number of nodes in the XML tree reachable by a given path with the given text value. Previous techniques have been inadequate, because they have focused mainly on the tag-labeled paths (tree structure) of the XML data. For most real XML data, the number of distinct string values at the leaf nodes is orders of magnitude larger than the set of distinct rooted tag paths. Hence, the real challenge lies in accurate selectivity estimation of the string predicates on the leaf values reachable via a given path.
In this paper, we present CXHist, a novel workload-aware histogram technique that provides accurate selectivity estimation on a broad class of XML string-based queries. CXHist builds a histogram in an on-line manner by grouping queries into buckets using their true selectivity obtained from query feedback. The set of queries associated with each bucket is summarized into feature distributions. These feature distributions mimic a Bayesian classifier that is used to route a query to its associated bucket during selectivity estimation. We show how CXHist can be used for two general types of (path,string) queries: exact match queries and substring match queries. Experiments using a prototype show that CXHist provides accurate selectivity estimation for both exact match queries and substring match queries.
Rank-aware query processing has emerged as a key requirement in modern applications. In these applications, efficient and adaptive evaluation of top-k queries is an integral part of the application semantics. In this article, we introduce a rank-aware query optimization framework that fully integrates rank-join operators into relational query engines. The framework is based on extending the System R dynamic programming algorithm in both enumeration and pruning. We define ranking as an interesting physical property that triggers the generation of rank-aware query plans. Unlike traditional join operators, optimizing for rank-join operators depends on estimating the input cardinality of these operators.We introduce a probabilistic model for estimating the input cardinality, and hence the cost of a rank-join operator. To our knowledge, this is the first effort in estimating the needed input size for optimal rank aggregation algorithms. Costing ranking plans is key to the full integration of rank-join operators in real-world query processing engines.
Since optimal execution strategies picked by static query optimizers lose their optimality due to estimation errors and unexpected changes in the computing environment, we introduce several adaptive execution strategies for top-k queries that respond to these unexpected changes and costing errors. Our reactive reoptimization techniques change the execution plan at runtime to significantly enhance the performance of running queries. Since top-k query plans are usually pipelined and maintain a complex ranking state, altering the execution strategy of a running ranking query is an important and challenging task.
We conduct an extensive experimental study to evaluate the performance of the proposed framework. The experimental results are twofold: (1) we show the effectiveness of our cost-based approach of integrating ranking plans in dynamic programming cost-based optimizers; and (2) we show a significant speedup (up to 300%) when using our adaptive execution of ranking plans over the state-of-the-art mid-query reoptimization strategies.
In an uncertain database, each data item is modeled as a range associated with a probability density function. Previous works for this kind of data have focused on simple queries such as range and nearest-neighbor queries. Queries that join multiple relations have not been addressed in earlier work despite the significance of joins in databases. In this paper, we address probabilistic join over uncertain data, essentially a query that augments the results with probability guarantees to indicate the likelihood of each join tuple being part of the result. We extend the notion of join operators, such as equality and inequality, for uncertain data. We also study the performance of probabilistic join. We observe that a user may only need to know whether the probability of the results exceeds a given threshold, instead of the precise probability value. By incorporating this constraint, it is possible to achieve much better performance. In particular, we develop three sets of optimization techniques, namely item-level, page-level and index-level pruning, for different join operators. These techniques facilitate pruning with little space and time overhead, and are easily adapted to most join algorithms. We verify the performance of these techniques experimentally.
This paper revisits the problem of indexing a text for
approximate string matching. Specifically, given a text of
and a positive integer
, we want to construct an
index of
such that for any input pattern
, we can find
all its
-error matches in
efficiently. This problem is
well-studied in the internal-memory setting. Here, we extend
some of these recent results to external-memory solutions,
which are also cache-oblivious. Our first index occupies
disk pages and finds all
-error matches
with I/Os, where
denotes the number of words in a disk
page. To the best of our knowledge, this index is the first
external-memory data structure that does not require
I/Os. The second index reduces the space to
disk pages, and the I/O complexity is
Run-Length-Encoding (RLE) is a data compression technique
that is used in various applications, e.g., biological se-
quence databases, multimedia, and facsimile transmission.
One of the main challenges is how to operate, e.g.,
indexing, searching, and retrieval, on the compressed data
without decompressing it. In this paper, we present the
String B-tree for Compressed sequences, termed the SBC-tree,
for indexing and searching RLE-compressed sequences of
arbitrary length. The SBC-tree is a two-level index
structure based on the well-known String B-tree and a
3-sided range query structure. The SBC-tree supports
substring as well as prefix matching, and range search
operations over RLE-compressed sequences. The SBC-tree has
an optimal external-memory space complexity of pages,
is the total length of the compressed sequences, and
is the disk page size. The insertion and deletion of all
suffixes of a compressed sequence of length m takes
I/O operations. Substring matching, prefix
matching, and range search execute in an optimal
I/O operations, where
is the length of the
compressed query pattern and
is the query output size. We
present also two variants of the SBC-tree: the SBC-tree that
is based on an R-tree instead of the 3-sided structure, and
the one-level SBC-tree that does not use a two-dimensional
These variants do not have provable worst-case theoretical
bounds for search operations, but perform well in practice.
The SBC-tree index is realized inside PostgreSQL in the
context of a biological protein database
application. Performance results illustrate that using the
SBC-tree to index
RLE-compressed sequences achieves up to an order of
magnitude reduction in storage, up to 30% reduction in I/Os
the insertion operations, and retains the optimal search
performance achieved by the String B-tree over the uncompressed sequences.
We consider a central problem in text indexing: Given a
text over an alphabet
, construct a compressed
data structure answering the queries
, and
for a symbol
Many data structures consider these queries for static
. We consider the dynamic version of the problem,
where we are allowed to insert and delete symbols at
arbitrary positions of
. This problem is a key challenge
in compressed text indexing and has direct application to
dynamic XML indexing structures that answer subpath
queries [XBW].
We build on the results of [RRR, GMR] and give the best
known query bounds for the dynamic version of this problem,
supporting arbitrary insertions and deletions of symbols
in . Specifically, with an amortized update time of
, we suggest how to support
, and
queries in
time, for any
The best previous query times for this problem were
, given by [Makinen Navarro]. Our bounds
are competitive with state-of-the-art static structures
[GMR]. Some applicable lower bounds for the partial sums
problem [PD] show that our update/query tradeoff is also
nearly optimal. In addition, our space bound is competitive
with the corresponding static structures. For the special
case of bitvectors (i.e.,
), we also show the
best tradeoffs for query/update time, improving upon the
results of [Makinen Navarro, Hon, RRR].
Our focus on fast query/slower update is
well-suited for a query-intensive XML indexing environment.
Using the XBW transform [XBW], we also present a
dynamic data structure that succinctly maintains an ordered
labeled tree and supports a powerful set of queries
We present a framework to dynamize succinct data structures,
to encourage their use over non-succinct versions in a wide
variety of important application areas. Our framework can
dynamize most state-of-the-art succinct data structures for
dictionaries, ordinal trees, labeled trees, and text
collections. Of particular note is its direct application to
XML indexing structures that answer
queries. Our
framework focuses on achieving information-theoretically
optimal space along with near-optimal update/query bounds.
As the main part of our work, we consider the following
problem central to text indexing: Given a text over an
, construct a compressed data structure
answering the queries
, and
for a symbol
. Many data
structures consider these queries for static text
. We
build on these results and give the best known query bounds
for the dynamic version of this problem, supporting
arbitrary insertions and deletions of symbols in
Specifically, with an amortized update time of
, any static succinct data structure
, taking
time for queries, can be converted by our
framework into a dynamic succinct data structure that
queries in
time, for any constant
. When
, we achieve
query times. Our update/query bounds are near-optimal
with respect to the lower bounds.
We present a unified algorithmic framework to obtain nearly
optimal space bounds for text compression and compressed
text indexing, apart from lower-order terms. For a text of
symbols drawn from an alphabet
, our bounds are stated in
terms of the
th-order empirical entropy of the text,
. In
particular, we provide a tight analysis of the
Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) establishing a bound of
bits, where
denotes the asymptotical
number of bits required to store the empirical statistical
model for contexts of order
appearing in
. Using the same
framework, we also obtain an implementation of the
compressed suffix array (CSA) that achieves
bits of space while still retaining
competitive full-text indexing functionality.
The novelty
of the proposed framework lies in its use of the finite set
model instead of the empirical probability model (as in
previous work), giving us new insight into the design and
analysis of our algorithms. For example, we show that our
analysis gives improved bounds since
, where
do not depend on
the text length
, while
is the modified
th-order empirical entropy of
. Moreover, we show a strong
relationship between a compressed full-text index and the
succinct dictionary problem. We also examine the importance
of lower-order terms, as these can dwarf any savings
achieved by high-order entropy. We report further results
and tradeoffs on high-order entropy-compressed text indexes
in the paper.
We introduce a new variant of the popular Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) called Geometric Burrows-Wheeler Transform (GBWT). Unlike BWT, which merely permutes the text, GBWT converts the text into a set of points in 2-dimensional geometry. Using this transform, we can answer to many open questions in compressed text indexing: (1) Can compressed data structures be designed in external memory with similar performance as the uncompressed counterparts? (2) Can compressed data structures be designed for position restricted pattern matching? We also introduce a reverse transform, called Points2Text, which converts a set of points into text. This transform allows us to derive the best known lower bounds in compressed text indexing. We show strong equivalence between data structural problems in geometric range searching and text pattern matching. This provides a way to derive new results in compressed text indexing by translating the results from range searching.
We consider the natural extension of the well-known single
disk caching problem to the parallel disk I/O model (PDM)
[17]. The main challenge is to achieve as much parallelism
as possible and avoid I/O bottlenecks. We are given a fast
memory (cache) of size memory blocks along with a
request sequence
each block
resides on one of
disks. In each
parallel I/O step, at most one block from each disk can be
fetched. The task is to serve in the minimum number of
parallel I/Os. Thus, each I/O is analogous to a page fault.
The difference here is that during each page fault, up to
blocks can be brought into memory, as long as all of the new
blocks entering the memory reside on different disks. The
problem has a long history. Note that this problem is
non-trivial even if all requests in
are unique.
This restricted version is called read-once. Despite the
progress in the online ver- sion and read-once version, the
general online problem still remained open. Here, we provide
comprehensive results with a full general solution for the
problem with asymptotically tight competitive ratios.
To exploit parallelism, any parallel disk algorithm needs a
certain amount of lookahead into future requests. To provide
effective caching, an online algorithm must achieve
competitive ratio. We show a lower bound that states, for
, that any online algorithm must be
-competitive. For lookahead
greater than
, where
is a constant, the tight
upper bound of
on competitive ratio is
achieved by our algorithm SKEW. The previous algorithm tLRU
competitive and this was also shown to
be tight for an LRU-based strategy. We achieve the tight
ratio using a fairly different strategy than LRU. We also
show tight results for randomized algorithms against
oblivious adversary and give an algorithm achieving better
bounds in the resource augmentation model.
Slides for a talk (Adobe pdf format)
Data sets in large applications are often too massive to fit completely inside the computer's internal memory. The resulting input/output communication (or I/O) between fast internal memory and slower external memory (such as disks) can be a major performance bottleneck. In this book we discuss the state of the art in the design and analysis of external memory (or EM) algorithms and data structures, where the goal is to exploit locality in order to reduce the I/O costs. We consider a variety of EM paradigms for solving batched and online problems efficiently in external memory.
For the batched problem of sorting and related problems like permuting and fast Fourier transform, the key paradigms include distribution and merging. The paradigm of disk striping offers an elegant way to use multiple disks in parallel. For sorting, however, disk striping can be nonoptimal with respect to I/O, so to gain further improvements we discuss prefetching, distribution, and merging techniques for using the disks independently. We also consider useful techniques for batched EM problems involving matrices (such as matrix multiplication and transposition), geometric data (such as finding intersections and constructing convex hulls) and graphs (such as list ranking, connected components, topological sorting, and shortest paths). In the online domain, canonical EM applications include dictionary lookup and range searching. The two important classes of indexed data structures are based upon extendible hashing and B-trees. The paradigms of filtering and bootstrapping provide a convenient means in online data structures to make effective use of the data accessed from disk. We also reexamine some of the above EM problems in slightly different settings, such as when the data items are moving, when the data items are variable-length (e.g., text strings), when the internal data representations are compressed, or when the allocated amount of internal memory can change dynamically.
Programming tools and environments are available for simplifying the EM programming task. During the course of the book, we report on some experiments in the domain of spatial databases using the TPIE system (Transparent Parallel I/O programming Environment). The newly developed EM algorithms and data structures that incorporate the paradigms we discuss are significantly faster than methods currently used in practice.
This book is an expanded version of a shorter survey article.
Current data structures for searching large string collections are limited in that they either fail to achieve minimum space or they cause too many cache misses. In this paper, we discuss some edge linearizations of the classic trie data structure that are simultaneously cache-friendly and storable in compressed space. The widely known frontcoding scheme is one example of linearization; it is at the core of Prefix B-trees and many other disk-conscious compressed indexes for string collections. However, it is largely thought of as a space-effective heuristic without efficient search support.
In this paper, we introduce new insights on front-coding and other novel linearizations, and study how close their space occupancy is to the information-theoretic minimum. The moral is that they are not just heuristics. The second contribution of this paper engineers these linearizations to design a novel dictionary encoding scheme that achieves nearly optimal space, offers competitive I/O-search time, and is also conscious of the query distribution. Finally, we combine those data structures with cache-oblivious tries and obtain a succinct variant, whose space is close to the information-theoretic minimum.
We consider the natural extension of the well-known single
disk caching problem to the parallel disk I/O model (PDM)
[17]. The main challenge is to achieve as much parallelism
as possible and avoid I/O bottlenecks. We are given a fast
memory (cache) of size memory blocks along with a
request sequence
each block
resides on one of
disks. In each
parallel I/O step, at most one block from each disk can be
fetched. The task is to serve in the minimum number of
parallel I/Os. Thus, each I/O is analogous to a page fault.
The difference here is that during each page fault, up to
blocks can be brought into memory, as long as all of the new
blocks entering the memory reside on different disks. The
problem has a long history. Note that this problem is
non-trivial even if all requests in
are unique.
This restricted version is called read-once. Despite the
progress in the online ver- sion and read-once version, the
general online problem still remained open. Here, we provide
comprehensive results with a full general solution for the
problem with asymptotically tight competitive ratios.
To exploit parallelism, any parallel disk algorithm needs a
certain amount of lookahead into future requests. To provide
effective caching, an online algorithm must achieve
competitive ratio. We show a lower bound that states, for
, that any online algorithm must be
-competitive. For lookahead
greater than
, where
is a constant, the tight
upper bound of
on competitive ratio is
achieved by our algorithm SKEW. The previous algorithm tLRU
competitive and this was also shown to
be tight for an LRU-based strategy. We achieve the tight
ratio using a fairly different strategy than LRU. We also
show tight results for randomized algorithms against
oblivious adversary and give an algorithm achieving better
bounds in the resource augmentation model.
We introduce a new variant of the popular Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT), called Geometric Burrows-Wheeler Transform (GBWT), which converts a text into a set of points in 2-dimensional geometry.We also introduce a reverse transform, called Points2Text, which converts a set of points into text. Using these two transforms, we show strong equivalence between data structural problems in geometric range searching and text pattern matching. This allows us to apply the lower bounds known in the field of orthogonal range searching to the problems in compressed text indexing. In addition, we give the first succinct (compact) index for I/O-efficient pattern matching in external memory, and show how this index can be further improved to achieve higher-order entropy compressed space.
Slides for talk (gzip-compressed postscript)
Pattern matching on text data has been a fundamental field of Computer Science for nearly 40 years. Databases supporting full-text indexing functionality on text data are now widely used by biologists. In the theoretical literature, the most popular internal-memory index structures are the suffix trees and the suffix arrays, and the most popular external-memory index structure is the string B-tree. However, the practical applicability of these indexes has been limited mainly because of their space consumption and I/O issues. These structures use a lot more space (almost 20 to 50 times more) than the original text data and are often disk-resident.
Ferragina and Manzini (2005) and Grossi and Vitter (2005) gave the first compressed text indexes with efficient query times in the internal-memory model. Recently, Chien et al (2008) presented a compact text index in the external memory based on the concept of Geometric Burrows-Wheeler Transform. They also presented lower bounds which suggested that it may be hard to obtain a good index structure in the external memory.
In this paper, we investigate this issue from a practical point of view. On the positive side we show an external-memory text indexing structure (based on R-trees and KD-trees) that saves space by about an order of magnitude as compared to the standard String B-tree. While saving space, these structures also maintain a comparable I/O efficiency to that of String B-tree. We also show various space vs. I/O efficiency trade-offs for our structures.
Slides for CPM '10 keynote talk (Adobe pdf)
The field of compressed data structures seeks to achieve fast search time, but using a compressed representation, ideally requiring less space than that occupied by the original input data. The challenge is to construct a compressed representation that provides the same functionality and speed as traditional data structures. In this invited presentation, we discuss some breakthroughs in compressed data structures over the course of the last decade that have significantly reduced the space requirements for fast text and document indexing. One interesting consequence is that, for the first time, we can construct data structures for text indexing that are competitive in time and space with the well-known technique of inverted indexes, but that provide more general search capabilities. Several challenges remain, and we focus in this presentation on two in particular: building I/O-efficient search structures when the input data are so massive that external memory must be used, and incorporating notions of relevance in the reporting of query answers.
Slides for CIKM '12 keynote talk (Adobe pdf)
We describe recent breakthroughs in the field of compressed data structures, in which the data structure is stored in a compressed representation that still allows fast answers to queries. We focus in particular on compressed data structures to support the important application of pattern matching on massive document collections. Given an arbitrary query pattern in textual form, the job of the data structure is to report all the locations where the pattern appears. Another variant is to report all the documents that contain at least one instance of the pattern. We are particularly interested in reporting only the most relevant documents, using a variety of notions of relevance. We discuss recently developed techniques that support fast search in these contexts as well as under additional positional and temporal constraints.
Document retrieval is a special type of pattern matching that is closely
related to information retrieval and web searching. In this problem, the data
consist of a collection of text documents, and given a query pattern , we
are required to report all the documents (not all the occurrences) in which this pattern occurs.
In addition, the notion of relevance is commonly
applied to rank all the documents that satisfy the query, and only those
documents with the highest relevance are returned. Such a concept of relevance
has been central in the effectiveness and usability of present day search
engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, or Ask. When relevance is considered, the
query has an additional input parameter
, and the task is to report only the
documents with the highest relevance to
, instead of finding all the
documents that contains
. For example, one such relevance function could be the
frequency of the query pattern in the document. In the information
retrieval literature, this task is best achieved by using inverted indexes.
However, if the query consists of an arbitrary string--which can be a
partial word, multiword phrase, or more generally any sequence of characters--we
cannot take advantages of the word boundaries and we need a different approach.
This leads to one of the active research topics in string matching and text indexing community in recent years, and various aspects of the problem have been studied, such as space-time tradeoffs, practical solutions, multipattern queries, and I/O-efficiency. In this article, we review some of the initial frameworks for designing such indexes and also summarize the developments in this area.
Let be a given set of (string) documents of total length
. The top-
document retrieval problem is to index
that when a pattern
of length
, and a parameter
come as a
query, the index returns those
documents which are most relevant
. Hon et al. [HSV09] proposed a linear space framework to
solve this problem in
time. This query time was
improved to
by Navarro and Nekrich [NN12]. These
results are powerful enough to support arbitrary relevance functions
like frequency, proximity, PageRank, etc. Despite of continued
progress on this problem in terms of theoretical, practical and
compression aspects, any non-trivial bounds in external memory model
have so far been elusive. In this paper, we propose the first external
memory index supporting top-
document retrieval queries (outputs
unsorted) in optimal
I/Os, where
is the
block size. The index space is almost linear
is the iterated logarithm of
. We also improve the
existing internal memory results. Specifically, we propose a linear
space index for retrieving top-
documents in
time, once the
locus of the pattern match is given.
Color (or categorical) range reporting is a variant of the orthogonal
range reporting problem in which every point in the input is assigned a
color. While the answer to an orthogonal point reporting query
contains all points in the query range , the answer to a color
reporting query contains only distinct colors of points in
In this paper we describe an
-space data structure that answers
one-dimensional color reporting queries in optimal
time, where
is the number of colors in the answer and
is the number of
points in the data structure. Our result can be also dynamized and
extended to the external memory model.
Given an array A[1...n] of n distinct elements from the set
1, 2, ..., n a range maximum query RMQ(a, b) returns the highest
element in A[a...b] along with its position. In this paper, we study a
generalization of this classical problem called Categorical Range
Maxima Query (CRMQ) problem, in which each element A[i] in the array
has an associated category (color) given by C[i]. A query then
asks to report each distinct color c appearing in C[a...b] along with
the highest element (and its position) in A[a...b] with color c. Let
pc denote the position of the highest element in A[a...b] with color
c. We investigate two variants of this problem: a threshold version
and a top-k version. In threshold version, we only need to output the
colors with A[pc] more than the input threshold , whereas top-k
variant asks for k colors with the highest A[pc] values. In the word
RAM model, we achieve linear space structure along with O(k) query
time, that can report colors in sorted order of A
. In external
memory, we present a data structure that answers queries in optimal
O(1+k/B) I/O's using almost-linear O(n log* n) space, as well as a
linear space data structure with O(log* n + k/B) query I/Os. Here k
represents the output size, log* n is the iterated logarithm of n and
B is the block size. CRMQ has applications to document retrieval and
categorical range reporting - giving a one-shot framework to obtain
improved results in both these problems. Our results for CRMQ not only
improve the existing best known results for three-sided categorical
range reporting but also overcome the hurdle of maintaining color
uniqueness in the output set.
Many real-world applications, such as bioinformatics, data mining, pattern recognition, and social network analysis, benefit from efficient solutions for the graph similarity search problem. Existing methods have limited scalability when they handle the large graph databases, for example, those with millions or billions of graphs that cannot fit in main memory. In this paper, we study the problem of graph similarity search under the graph edit distance constraint in external memory. We present an efficient framework for arbitrary q-gram based representations of a graph. Specifically, we propose a q-gram matrix index stored in hybrid layout in external memory to achieve efficient query processing, by converting the q-gram counting filter into a sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) problem. Furthermore, we also boost the query performance by transforming the global filter to a two-dimensional query rectangle, which allows us to perform a query in a reduced region, significantly reducing the number of query I/Os in practice. Extensive experiments on real datastes confirm that: (1) our method can compete with the state-of-the-art in-memory methods in index size and filtering ability, and outperform them on scalability of coping with the PubChem dataset including 25 million chemical structure graphs. (2) compared with the popular q-gram-based external inverted index, our external index structure needs much fewer number of query I/Os on the PubChem dataset.
Chien et al. [1, 2] introduced the geometric Burrows-Wheeler transform (GBWT) as the
first succinct text index for I/O-efficient pattern matching in external memory; it operates
by transforming a text into point set
in the two-dimensional plane. In this paper
we introduce a practical succinct external memory text index, called mKD-GBWT. We
subregions by partitioning the x-axis into
intervals using the suffix
ranges of characters of
and partitioning the y-axis into
intervals using characters of
is the alphabet size of
. In this way, we can represent a point using fewer
bits and perform a query in a reduced region so as to improve the space usage and I/Os
of GBWT in practice. In addition, we plug a crit-bit tree into each node of string B-trees
to represent variable-length strings stored. Experimental results show that mKD-GBWT
provides significant improvement in space usage compared with the state-of-the-art indexing
techniques. The source code is available online [3].
The development of the next-generation, high-throughput sequencing technologies dramatically reduces the cost of the next-generation sequencing (NGS) data production, thereby leading to the explosive growth in the NGS data.
In this paper, we focus upon the important problem of indexing and searching highly repetitive
DNA sequence collections. Given a collection
of length
each, we can represent
succinctly in
is the
th-order empirical entropy of the
that is used as
the reference sequence,
is the total number of variations between
and the sequences in
is a small fixed constant.
We can restore the length-
and report the
occurrences where
occurs in
In addition, we propose a method to find the variations between
and the sequences in
, with which we can build succinct structures
to enable fast search.
For highly repetitive sequences, experimental results on the tested data demonstrate that the proposed
method has significant advantages in space usage and retrieval time over the current state-of-the-art methods.
The source code is available online.
We propose a compressed index for FASTQ files called CIndex. CIndex uses the Burrows-Wheeler transform and the wavelet tree, combined with hybrid encoding, succinct data structures, and special tables, to achieve minimal space usage and fast retrieval on the compressed FASTQ files. Experiments conducted over real publicly available datasets from various sequencing instruments demonstrate that our proposed index substantially outperforms existing state-of-the-art solutions. For count, locate, and extract queries on reads, our method uses 2.7-41.66 percentage points less space and provides a speedup of 70-167.16 times, 1.44-35.57 times, and 1.3-55.4 times. For extracting records in FASTQ files, our method uses 2.86-14.88 percentage points less space and provides a speedup of 3.13-20.1 times. CIndex has an additional advantage in that it can be readily adapted to work as a general-purpose text index; experiments show that it performs very well in practice.
The software is available on Github: https://github.com/Hongweihuo-Lab/CIndex.
Compressed self-indexes are used widely in string processing applications, such as information retrieval, genome analysis, data mining, and web searching. The index not only indexes the data, but also encodes the data, and it is in compressed form. Moreover, the index and the data it encodes can be operated upon directly, without need to uncompress the entire index, thus saving time while maintaining small storage space. In some applications, such as in genome analysis, existing methods do not exploit the full possibilities of compressed self-indexes, and thus we seek faster and more space-efficient indexes. In this paper, we propose a practical high-order entropy-compressed self-index for efficient pattern matching in a text. We give practical implementations of compressed suffix arrays using a hybrid encoding in the representation of the neighbor function. We analyze the performance in theory and practice of our recommended indexing method, called GeCSA. We can improve retrieval time further using an iterated version of the neighbor function. Experimental results on the tested data demonstrate that the proposed index GeCSA has good overall advantages in space usage and retrieval time over the state-of-the-art indexing methods, especially on the repetitive data.