Course: Math 155B: Calculus 2, Summer 2015, 2nd Half Session
Instructor: Matthew Moore
Office: SC 1525
Office Hours: MTWRF 12:30pm – 1:30pm, and by appointment
Lecture Hours and Venue: MTWRF 10:10am – 12:30pm, Buttrick Hall 306
Textbook: Stewart. Calculus. 7th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9780538497817.
Homework: Homework is due every week on Monday. The homework will consist of problems from the book as well as "Additional Problems", both of which will be available on the course website. Homework will be graded based on the correctness as well the clarity of the solution. No late homework will be accepted. Your lowest homework score will be dropped.
Quizzes: There will be quizzes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Your lowest two quiz scores will be dropped.
Exams: There will be exams on
  • Thursday, July 16th and
  • Thursday, August 7th .
The exams will consist of an in-class portion as well as a take-home portion. The second exam is the final exam and will be cumulative.
Course Grading: Your course grade will be calculated based on the breakdown below.
Homeworks: 30%
Quizzes: 20%
Exams: 50%
Letter grades will be assigned as usual.
Honor Code: All work submitted for credit must be the student's own and is subject to the provisions of the Vanderbilt Honor Code. Details can be found at
Accommodation Procedure: A student who needs course accommodations due to a disability, special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, or has emergency medical information that needs to be shared with the instructor, should contact the instructor as soon as possible. Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Disability Services (see at Vanderbilt provides specific accommodations for students with physical or learning disabilities. Upon receiving appropriate documentation from the student, the Opportunity Development Center will make arrangements with the instructor for the accommodations.