Course: EECS 700: Quantum Algorithms, Spring 2021
Professor: Matthew Moore
Office: Eaton 2034
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00 – noon and by appointment
Lecture Hours and Venue: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 – 10:45, in Learned 2111
Textbook: Classical and Quantum Computation by Kitaev, Shen, and Vyalyi,
Homework: Homework will be assigned weekly, and will be due on the Tuesday the week after it was assigned. Assignments will be posted on the course website. Each assignment will consist of some book problems and some ``additional problems''. A (perhaps non-proper) subset of the problems will be graded based on correctness and on the clarity and quality of presentation. There is a difference between a ``solution'' and an ``answer''. The former is what shall be graded. Homework may be submitted during class or by email. For email submissions, the following instructions apply.
  • The subject line must be exactly "HW Submission" (no quotes).
  • The email should have a single PDF attachment. No other formats are acceptable.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to type their homework using LaTeX. Any photographs must be properly aligned. Illegible submissions will not be graded.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in homework being discarded. Your lowest 2 homework scores will be dropped.
Quizzes: A short quiz will be given every Thursday at the start of class. The quiz will cover the reading that should have been completed that week (as indicated on the website).
Exams: There will be a midterm exam and a final exam. The midterm exam is scheduled for Thursday 03-18. The final exam is scheduled for 05-11 from 7:30 – 10:00. Details are to be announced.
Course Grading: Grades will be determined based on the breakdown below.
Homeworks: 45%
Quizzes: 10%
Exams (incl. final): 45%
Letter grades (including +/- designations) will be assigned as usual. The grades on homeworks, quizzes, exams, or the entire course may be curved at the professor's discretion.
Honor Code: All work submitted for credit must be the student's own. If you have worked with another student on a homework problem, you should indicate it in your solution. Such cooperation is permitted, but your work must be your own. Quizzes and exams should be completed without unauthorized aid.
Accommodation Procedure: The Academic Achievement and Access Center (AAAC) coordinates academic accommodations and services for all eligible KU students with disabilities. If you have a disability for which you wish to request accommodations and have not contacted the AAAC, please do so as soon as possible. Information about their services can be found at Please contact me privately in regard to your needs in this course.
Religious Observances: Any student in this course who plans to observe a religious holiday which conflicts in any way with the course schedule or requirements should contact me as soon as possible to discuss alternative accommodations.