You may find cheaper hotel rates somewhere in Nashville by searching the internet. These two are the lowest priced alternatives close to the campus.

The Holiday Inn Vanderbilt [website][map]

  • Some rooms have already been reserved for participants.
  • The University rate is $157 (US dollars) per night (about $168 including taxes).
  • The Holiday Inn will take up to four people in one of King-sized room at the same rate of $157 for all four combined, which could greatly reduce expenses.
  • Walking directions to the Mathematics Department: [map]

Extended Stay America [website][map]

  • The University rate is $58 a night per person (including all taxes) for a "double room" that must have two people in it. (The two together pay $115.)
  • "Queen-size" rooms are available for $105 per night (taxes included) that will take either one or two people (which makes it $53 per night per person if sharing).
  • Walking directions to the Mathematics Department: [map]