Graduate Student Theses, Projects, and Defenses

Hundreds of students already have worked at ITTC, and the center will continue to employ a steady stream of students who are interested in building their skills in information technology. From undergraduates working as student system administrators or doctoral students working as research assistants on cutting edge projects, all of our students receive valuable skills and knowledge that they can then apply in their technical careers.

In August 2000, ITTC decided to create a list of all graduating master's and doctoral students and to post information about their research projects. Below you'll find the names of students who have defended their master's or doctoral theses or projects. You'll also see the title of their thesis or project, the date they defended, and the name of their thesis advisor. When possible, we also have included where they first went to work, thesis slides, project reports, and the slides they used at their defense.

This ever-growing list serves as a record of the students and of the work they did while they were with us. This list, however, is an historic record; it's not an updated list of where you can now find our former students.

If you would like more information about a project, drop an email to the listed advisor.

For a list of upcoming thesis presentations, please visit the EECS defense calendar.

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